The light in Manuel's bedroom started getting inside behind his white curtains, causing him to wake up. Something he should've done long time ago.
Not realizing what was going on, he opened his eyes; and then remembered.
It was just last night when he found out that his oh-so-beautiful girlfriend was cheating on him on a daily basis. And yet since, he didn't even talk to anyone about it. He wasn't strong enough.
He hadn't even talked to Nina but he had no reason to. The only person he wanted right now was Agus. And he was going to get her.
He got quickly ready and called his best friend. What he was about to confess was not even imaginable.
On the other side, Agus was still asleep. Manuel's call woke her up, but by the time she had opened her eyes he had stopped calling.
"Oh man! You can't just call me now! I made a promise and I will keep it!" She thought and got off bed.
Agus had been in love with the German goalkeeper since her green eyes met his luscious blue. That moment she knew she wanted that man, and she would do everything to accomplish that.
That was a long time ago. She was tired of chasing him. He had Kathrin, he had Nina. And she was just tired knowing he would never feel the same.
With all of these thoughts in her head, Agus got dressed and went downstairs for some coffee and breakfast.
Surprisingly, a short yet handsome man was sitting in her kitchen, reading a newspaper.
"Mario!" Agus shouted recognizing the German.
"Oh, hey Agus! What's up?" He responded, making her question his "visit".
"Well, fine but, let me just ask you... Why are you here? And, actually, how did you get in?"
"Remember the time you'd told me about the second pair of keys you leave inside the flower outside? Eh... I used them!" Mario said smiling.
"Alright, but why? It's too early Götze!"
"I... um I guess it's complicated."
"It won't be if you explain it." Agus said and gave him a warm smile.
She knew he wanted something. He never just came for a visit.
"Ann dumped me. Again." He sobbed.
Everytime Ann Kathrin dumped him he went to Agus'.
"I'm sorry Mario. Can I do anything to make it better?" She asked sympathetically.
"Yes please. But promise me you won't get angry okay?"
"I want you to kiss me and take a picture of it and post it on all of your social medias. Ann will see it and she will get jealous so she'll want me back. Is that fine?"
"I...guess so... I don't usually kiss and tell but if that's going to help you get your girlfriend back-"
"YEEES! Thank you Agus! Thanks! You're the best! I love you! I owe you alright?" Mario interrupted highly excited.
"Yeah yeah. Now let's go get that photo okay?"
Agus opened her phone and went to the camera. When she almost got the shot, she heard a noise coming from her front door.
Standing in shock, they saw Manuel walk in.
"A-Agus?" He asked numb. Seeing his friend with the girl he liked? Ouch.
"Manu what are you even doing here?"
"I..... I came to tell you that me and Nina are over. She'd been cheating on me the whole time. And also that I like you and we can finally be together. But you've got company... I guess friends is fine, don't worry. I'm not too heartbroken."
"What are you even talking about?"
"You- you and Mario. You were kissing Agus. I saw you!" Tears started blurring his eyes.
"What-" Agus said and realized. Then, she laughed with all of her heart and soul.
"I don't really think it's funny, but if you think so..."
After she had finally calmed down, she started talking.
"Ann Kathrin dumped Mario again. I actually found him here this morning."
"That doesn't explain much to be honest."
"Yeah, I didn't finish. So because she dumped him he wanted me to take a picture of us kissing and post it online so that she could see it and get jealous and want him back. That's all, Manuel!"
"For real? That's awesome!"
"I don't think the fact that my girlfriend dumped me is awesome." Mario said causing a little giggle between them.
"I don't mean that Mario. I'm sorry for what happened between you and Ann but... You're not dating Agus, that's awesome!"
"Let me recall your tiny speech before Manuel... Did you say you like me?" Agus said smiling.
That couldn't be. The time she finally decided to move on, he wanted her?
But that was fine. Maybe moving on was great. But it was better with someone else next to you.
"Yes... Yes I did Agus. I love you and nothing can stop me from that! I can finally shout it out!"
"I love you too Manuel..."
Agus didn't have time to finish that phrase. Simply because her lips were being covered by Manuel's, in a deep, meaningful kiss.
"Not to be interrupting but... I'm still here guys!" Mario said but in their ears it sounded like distant yell. Not too powerful to stop them.
guysssssss ive missed ya so flipping muchhhh <3 this one is for edmismylife, i just hope you like it guurl, sorry it took sooooo long xD im still freaking out bc of what happened today(ive written about it on my book called my random thoughts, its the most recent post) but also i just saw that my oneshots got 9.4K views! Thanks you guyssss 10k in a while woo hoooo :P haha anyways, hope you liked it, today ill be posting on my other books as well, but tomorrow hopefully i will post another oneshot :) the next one will be with mario gotze ;) please vote and comment and request if you want <3

Football One-Shots :)
FanfictionSo I was bored and decided to make one-shots... Feel free to request :) {cover by @jagielka}