𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐬... 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠.

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A/N: Hello there! :) Before you get started with the episode, I just wanted to ask you guys something. I left a little survey on my profile a couple of days ago about my updates. Basically, I wanted to know your opinion on my upload schedule. Do you prefer longer chapters but uploading only once a week or shorter chapters but uploading twice a week? It would be very helpful if you let me know :) That's it, enjoy the chapter!




Just when I thought everything was going to get better.

Right now, Anakin and I were in front of Qui-Gon getting scolded so badly due to the poor outcome of the recon mission. It's not like it was entirely our fault, it's just that those Geonosians, there were too many of them, and their big claws and repulsive wings and their faces... The urge to puke came faster than expected by remembering those awful creatures but I held it in.

—Are you fucking kidding me? Are you telling me that the two of you couldn't take out the Geonosians all by yourselves? —His nostrils got bigger with every breath he took, the glow on his eyes stinging mine and the Force around him kept getting heavier, scaring the living shit out of me. —What the fuck did you do now? Fought over the control of the ship? Got distracted and gave them the opportunity of taking you down?—He stared, waiting for an answer but neither of us talked. —And?! I'm waiting!

Anakin and I shared a look, deciding which one of us was gonna face our master. Silently, our eyes connected and my shields came down momentarily.

We should do it together, I mean, it was a mutual mistake. —I said through the mental bond.

"I think you would do a better job, you are his favorite after all." He counterpart.

What a fucking coward. 

I squinted my eyes at him after that last comment.

A tired sigh left my mouth and I faced Qui-Gon. Being shy was never a problem to me,  however, being under Qui-Gon's scrutinizing gaze made me feel small and the words in my mouth had a difficult time forming a sentence. The anxiety I felt only brought me back to Exegol, reminding me of all the times Palpatine would scold me for my lack of potential and would use his rays to punish me, feeling the hellish heat burning my nerves and muscles, disintegrating my confidence.

I could sense every emotion that irradiated from him: anger, disappointment, hate... like a whip hitting me on the face over and over again. The emotional and physical torture scarred me deeply and the repercussions could be seen in moments like these, in which I would flinch at the minimal mention of disapproval from my authority figures. I knew I had to afront my errors but watching Qui-Gon's face was not something I was ready to do.

—I-I'm sorry, Qui-Gon. We c-clearly u-underestimated the Geonosians and when they came at us... w-we couldn't handle them. They were flying around like mosquitoes and our view was blocked most of the time. T-The good news is that we were trapped on the other side of the planet, so there's no chance that the rebels knew of our presence.

He hummed with this hand on his chin. The uncertainty of his thoughts killed me. —Were there any survivors? —He finally asked.

—No, fortunately Anakin took care of the few that got away. He actually saved us. But the damage on the ship is considerable. —I lowered my eyes once again so he couldn't see the crimson red that painted my face.

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