𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖: 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐬.

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WARNING: Slight smut. Heavy petting, making out, thigh riding, brief mention of anal.

A/N: So it has been too fucking long! I actually never intended to take a break, it just sorta happened??? The last months of the year are always the craziest and I just was so busyyyy. Hope you can relate! But I'm here!

Please believe me when I tell you that not a single day went by where I didn't think of Phoenix. I was working on the book but everything was pure shit... Until recently I found my pace and Phoenix's style again and I'm so happy writing! I'm actually glad I didn't post any of it, because I was not proud of the route I was gonna take. Oh, well!

Please enjoy this piece, I think it is very funny! And thank you for coming back! Seeing your pretty faces makes me so happy!


Y/N's POV.

"Thank you, Phoenix! Care to help me next week too?"

—You got it, buddy. —I patted him on the superior part of his head, laughing when he made happy beeps and swirled around. —Next time I promise I will know how to differentiate the wrenches. I'll get Anakin to teach me.

"You going to the party?" He asked me, rolling with me.

—Of course. —I smiled. —Actually, I should go and get ready.

"Anakin needs me in a meeting. See you later!"

—Bye, buddy! —He twirled happily, before leaving me behind.

That damn droid was growing on me.


Hours later, the music boomed through the walls, electrifying my skin even before I entered the ballroom. Qui-Gon had splurged big time on this party because I wasn't even near the last hallway when I felt the walls shaking; I couldn't even hear my heels clicking anymore. Securing my clutch bag in one hand and my present in the other, I walked around the corner to see Obi-Wan fixing his blazer in front of the door (I left Obi-Wan's outfit in Phoenix Wardrobe Vol.2 and some options for Y/n as well).

He must have sensed my presence because he turned around to meet me.

—Someone stepped up their game.—He whizzled.

I swirled on the spot, giggling at his compliments.

—You look marvelous, darling. —Obi-Wan put his hand on my waist as support to kiss my forehead.  —You're gonna steal the thunder away from the birthday man.

—Oh, stop it! —I slapped his arm, proceeding to thank him for his kindness. —Have you seen Anakin? I went to his room, but he wasn't there. —I tried to not look as desperate so he wouldn't bully me.

—Oh, the 501st were stuck on a debriefing all day with Qui-Gon. I saw them get in not too long ago.

Great, Anakin was following the plan we pacted: we should arrive and leave separately, even though we were meeting again in my room later.

— So we are the ones running late?

—I guess we are. —He twitched his smile. — What did you get him? —Obi-Wan pointed at the gift under my arm with his chin.

—Oh, I got him a tricopper plated watch with a gundark leather strip. He told me that he has been wanting to change his and I loved this when I saw it at the Rolek's.—I explained, flipping the package in front of us.  —What about you?

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