Chapter 3

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Point of View Alena

Dysnomia had met me in the lounge. She handed me a cart and a list of chores to do in the confinement district. She seemed in a rush, and didn't have much time to speak.  Lastly, she gave me a list of rules:

1. Do not touch the inmates.

2. Do not speak to the inmates unless extremely necessary.

3. Do not let the inmates out of the cells.

4. Do not give anything to the inmates.

5. Leave the confinement district immediately once chores are done.

The confinement zone was something I didn't quite understand. I didn't know what I needed to expect. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask. What did they do? Where they ever allowed out? I didn't get any responses, but I assumed I would know soon enough.

I walked down the staircase which led to the confinement district. The light was dimmer in the basement. The black brick of the building was replaced with pure metal. The atmosphere turned into something cold and dangerous.

I followed her instructions by putting the cart in an elevator and sending it down. It contained meals for the students. I was afraid of what I was about to find down here. Only three meals were in the cart, giving me the idea that not many students were kept under here at this time.

I stood in front of the first metal door. It had a few traps, one to see inside, and one to place the meal. A name was written above the door with a time showing the amount of time left. "Zoe with two hours left."

I placed the tray before moving on to the next. Arrived at the end of the hallway to a locked massive door. I had to turn a few keys to open it. Behind the door was an empty room with a glass cell. Cameras were monitoring this room closely. A man was there with his back turned to me. It was heavily tattooed, as if he was trying to hide something. I got closer to putting the tray into place designed for it.

He didn't turn at first. He looked towards the ceiling as if he was in deep thought. I felt drawn to him. The tingling in my skin started again. I had no idea had to control it. A feeling was building in my stomach. I wanted to get closer. To explore his skin, his tattoos. Before getting in any trouble, I decided to turn around and walk back up. My job wasn't that hard. Above his door was written "Chaos and two days left."

- "Alena," He murmured so slightly that I had dreamt it.

I jumped and turned around before being stunned. The man had turned around and was facing the glass. A hand on the wall. His combination was held on by his hips, leaving the top free.

I had no idea how he knew my name. Returners usually didn't care about learning the new people because most left. Chaos seemed to read every inch of my body. I wanted to flee but also run into the cell.

- "You're so lost..." He spoke. "You have no idea why we are here." He said with his hands on the glass wall. 

I froze. I didn't like his tone, his confidence. This man was beautiful, carved from the heavens. His entire body is rid of all flaws. His face, his jaw, everything was perfect. His almond eyes drew me. He had a bestial look, one that reminded me of a tropical feline. They were hard not to miss. They glittered and shined like the ones you could see in a zoo. It felt like he was locked in a zoo. So beautiful to admire, but the glass was there between him and me for my protection and to avoid him to jump up and kill me.

Chaos had beautiful dark hair which went in every direction and fell a bit above his eyes. As I was examining him, he did the same. He was part of the Outcast, but he knew all this information. How could he read me like those in the next cast?

- "How do you know all this if you aren't part of Cassiopeia ?" I ask while approaching the glass. Psychic abilities were usually reserved for the Star Cast. I broke the second rule given to me.

- "You'll be in here soon enough." He said while ignoring my question. 

His words angered me. He had no right. I wanted to yell back at him, but I realized he probably lied to me. Trying to get my attention. Sadly, it worked.

- "Shadow students who abuse students or hurt others accidentally have to spend time in here. It's not always a punishment. It's also to protect others."

He turned around again. Give me his back to look at once more. I knew I hated Chaos, but he had so much mystery around him. What kind of name is Chaos? I thought.

As I got closer and closer, I finally saw it. The mark. The white lines went crazy. Once I noticed them, they became striking. His had spread a lot further than mine. It climbed to the top of his back, almost reaching his shoulder. It was beautiful and frightening at the same time.

- "Touch the screen to your left."

I did as he said. There was a touch screen on the top of his door cell. It played a video. The video was taken in the dark by a security camera. You could see an appearance of a man visibly angry. Then, Chaos. Fire. While you see a girl running towards him. I recognize Dysnomia running towards him. Once he sees her, flames push her away. She screams. The video suddenly ends.

Chaos never looked back towards me. He's turned toward the wall, reading a book. As I turn and finally walk away from him, leaving the confinement district, I try to hold on to the tears. I close and lock the doors behind me. As I get to the beginning of the stairs, I let it all out.

He was a monster. I knew it, and somehow, we were connected. He doesn't know it but a stupid prophecy links us together.

"There are two marked by the moon, which is destined to hate one another. Chaos will be awoken unless they complete the bond that will unite them forever."

As I thought over the words of the prophecy, I didn't understand. Chaos could create enough Chaos without me being a part of it. What the hell was I brought into this for. He didn't need me. It is too late for anyone to do anything.

Completing the bond was sacred in our world. It means that two souls split at birth, reconnected again. You cannot achieve a bond with someone who doesn't have the other part of your soul.

Being soulmates with someone was something that no one could hide. Once met, the two people would usually feel a deep connection, which would soon develop into love. The two people connected in so many complex ways.

The only thing I knew was that Chaos was not meant to me. That's when I decided to keep my mark a secret. Forever.

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