Chapter 13

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Point of view Alena

I disappeared into the crowd of dancers. Dysnomia had pulled in Ash, bringing the attention back to her. Sierra was dancing with Nero further away. I didn't feel like intruding on "date" night. So, I decided to have fun by myself.

My body was moving with the tempo of the music. My hips were swaying; my arms were sensually moving across my body. I was in my little world. I grew up next in a dance studio and loved taking dance classes. I always had music playing around and loved how my body responded to it.

With the drink I had consumed, I felt powerful and beautiful. I was in my little bubble, among the hundreds of bodies dancing around me. I noticed Thomas a few feet from me. He was dancing too and alone.

I took the last sight of Dysnomia and Ash together. It hurt not to be the one he wanted to spend the night with. It hurt that he didn't pick me. However, I wouldn't let those unwanted feelings ruin my night. I was going to move on and have fun.

I approached Thomas. We danced apart, slowly getting closer with the music slowing down. He stared into my eyes. His canine was long. He had drunk that potion too. I could feel his Beast around me.

I got closer, and he finally decided to place his hands delicately on my hips. He got close enough to whisper in my ear so I could hear him over the loud music. "We already got into trouble for this."

I looked around. We were hidden in the crowd. Bodies were surrounding us. I felt safe near Thomas. His curly brown hair fell on near his eyebrows. Up close, I noticed the freckles on his nose. They were adorable.

I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Let's forget about the rules tonight," I whispered in his ear.

We danced for a long time. I lost myself in the music and the feeling of letting loose. The drink had a lot more effects than I had imagined.

Thomas traced his fingers on my face marks. The ones that looked like tribal tattoos. They had two straight lines going from my eyes to my ear.

"You're beautiful." He whispered.

At his touch, I felt his honesty and desire. I took a glimpse at the side of the room. Ash was now eating Dysomnia mouth. I wanted to throw up, run away, scream. Those would have been more innovative ideas, but what I did was a bit prettier than that.

While dancing, I put my arms around my neck, touching my necklace. When I finally found the zip, I took my necklace off. I immediately regretted my decision. I placed the chain in the back of my pocket. My entire body started tingling. My heart started racing. My whole being wanted to move my feet to meet Ash. Desire, pulsion, everything was enhanced. It was like a drug. I placed my hands on Thomas' face and pressed my lips against his to ignore this feeling. Ignoring the people dancing around us, it was just him and I. This kiss had more passion; it was more intense. He didn't stop right away. He continued, moving his hands around my body. I felt terrific while flashes of Ash came to my mind. I tried to push those ideas away and focused on Thomas.

However, Thomas was suddenly separated from me. It took me a few seconds before I realized that someone had punched Thomas in the face. Thomas was brought to the ground but was not unconscious. His beast came out even more as his eyes started turning yellow. Ash was going to punch him again, but I held on to his arm. I screamed.

- "Stop it!" Ash froze completely. I could feel him resisting, but he couldn't move. While I was touching him, he couldn't move. I realized that I was doing this to him.

Touching him felt uncomfortable. It felt so good but so bad at the same time. I released him.

- "I warned you not to go near her!" He screamed.

Thomas would step in, but bodyguards had already made their way around us. Four bodyguards were taking charge of Thomas and Ash. They both started swearing at each of her.

"I didn't think it mattered when your tongue was down someone else's throat," Thomas screamed.

I noticed in the middle of the crowd Dysnomia. Her lipstick was smeared across her face. She gave me a death stare; I returned it. However, I noticed a man coming towards me. He was extremely tall and broad. "You need to go to ma'am. I hope I do not need to escort you out."

I was shocked but felt embarrassed, so I followed behind the two men who were still trying to lounge at each other. I followed as the guards threw them outside. Thomas spat a little blood before walking away. He knew he wasn't strong enough to fight Ash.

Ash was left on the ground. He was very drunk. He stayed on the floor, sitting against the wall. He laughed at the whole situation. I looked at him, worried. "What the hell are you laughing at?" I wanted to scream at him and punch him. He always ruined everything.

"You're fucking pity, Alena." He spat at the ground. "You don't know what you do to me." He says while he brushed his fingers around my neck, then traced my lips. "When your necklace is off, and you allow me to feel the connection, it physically will hurt me if you kiss someone else."

His words are shaky, but I know he is telling the truth. I didn't know anything about soulmates. My mother never talked about hers, and it was taboo at home. I didn't respond to him. He continued to smile, looking at the sky.

I watched him. I looked at his jaw that was beautifully drawn, at his moon mark across his body. I whispered into his ear: "This is your five minutes without my necklace."

Ash turned his head back towards me. His eyes were a mix of a fiery red and darkness. It was filled with arousal and desire. It was feral, violent, soft at some points. He grabbed my throat, bringing me towards him. Close enough to smell his cologne. I felt my thighs clench together, my whole body wanting him. He knew the effect he had on me. "I'm going to enjoy every second of it then." He said while pressing his lips on my neck. Then, I felt his teeth. He bites me slightly. Not enough to hurt me, just to drive me crazy.

I wanted more, and he knew that. He was creating tension. I was impatient. I searched for his lips. It wasn't long before I was able to find them. The kiss was nothing compared to everything I had experienced. It was rough, passionate, it was good.

He took his lips away a bit too quickly. "Damn it, Alena." He let go of his grip around my neck. I feel on the ground next to him.

- "What is it?" I ask.

He traced his finger back on my arms and neck. "You're glowing." He murmured. "You have the mark of the moon." He stated while running his fingers on my skin.

I couldn't see it. We were far away from any mirror, but I knew what he meant. He also had white strands around his body. It was alive and moved across his body. "How many secrets do you keep from me?" He asks while pressing his lips against mine one last time in a short kiss.

- "We're connected by a prophecy. You won't be able to get away now."  

I looked down at my heels. They were burning, so I decided to take them off while Ash stood up. He helped me get up before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, and slapping my ass. "Alright, lady, enough trouble for one night. It's time for bed."

I wined, but it was useless. Ash wasn't listening and was not ready to let me down. 

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