Chapter 10

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Point of view Alena

I came back to the dorm late at night. It took me a while to find the dorm; actually, I wouldn't have been able to without Blaze. He got fed up with turning around in circles that he jumped out of my arms to lead the way.

I immediately guided him to the dorm showers, where he yelled in unhappiness as I cleaned off the blood and dirt of the forest. After that, he was pretty upset and started pouting. His little fit stopped when I gave him meat, which I found in the dorm fridge. This was usually reserved for the Shadow Cast, who could turn into Beast, but I hoped nobody would notice if a few pieces were missing.

After washing him, I put him down near the shower, where I waited for him while I cleaned myself up after a long day. I came back to the room where Sierra was half asleep. When I came back, she turned over and screamed.

- "What the hell is that?" She pointed towards the little ball of fur.

I had forgotten that I was no longer living alone. Blaze didn't help my case as he showed her teeth to her. I picked him up: "No, don't do that." I reprimanded Blaze. I held Blaze towards my roommate. "Blaze, this is Sierra. Sierra, this is Blaze, my familiar or our new roommate." I present with excitement.

Sierra rolls back into bed while complaining under her breath. "You haven't even been here a week, and you find a creature." She wines. "You better find a babysitter cause the freshman are supposed to have those things yet."

She turns off her light while I sit there, thinking and worried. A babysitter? I had no idea who I could ask.

I guess I didn't think this whole situation through, but it's not like I had a choice about taking him. Blaze would have died if I had left him to fend for himself in the forest.

- "Because you aren't a freshman, could..." I start while Sierra interrupts me.

- "Absolutely not."

She affirms before I fall asleep with my little creature laying towards my feet.


This morning, I took Blaze to the dining hall while people looked at me weirdly. I grabbed an apple and a bit of meat for Blaze, who kept complaining. He didn't like it and dragged me towards the milk instead. I grabbed a bottle that I took with him for the rest of the day. I didn't know too much about wolves, but at the look of it, Blaze had a huge appetite.

Before heading towards my first class, I turned to the health center where Kaya was sitting on her desk. I dropped Blaze on the counter towards her. She looked at me with a scared expression on her face.

- "Absolutely not." She says while trying to push Blaze towards me with her ruler.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, Kaya. I can't bring him to class. I have no other options."

She continued nodding her head before her expression changed. She put on a massive smile while pointing at something behind me. I looked around to notice Ash hitting on a pushing bag in the combat room. I wined. I was too scared to talk to him. Kaya knew this and chuckled.

- "You can't escape him forever. I'm so sure he would love to." She says while accentuating the word love.

Blaze had been patient all this time but started getting bored. I had no other choice than to take him back to my arms. I dragged my feet as I approached Ash.

Ash's skin was glowing with sweat. His muscles were more defined as he was working out. His hair was all over the place, which gave him an attractive look. I couldn't feel it but wanted to get closer to him. To touch him.

He stopped boxing as I approached and unwrapped his hands.

- "I need a favor." I ask with hesitation.

He turns his back to him while he is putting his wraps away. I stare down at his back tattoos that I wish to touch, draw, and explore.

- "I need one too." He replies with a smile on his face.

As he turned around once again, he had finally noticed Blaze. His expression changed. Blaze shows him his teeth again while I slap him against his head. He needs to stop doing that, especially when he is as small as my hand. Who does he think is the scare like that. As soon as I gave him my minor death threat of a bit of tape on the head, Blaze decided to go in my sweater. That's what I thought.

- "Absolutely not. I don't do babies." He says while moving away from me.

I giggled as I noticed the big and dangerous Ash fear a puppy. However, I decided to walk up to him, and before realizing it, Blaze was in his arms.

- "What did you need?" I ask, scared about what he might ask.

- "If I'm your babysitter for the day... give me five minutes with you, without your necklace." He asks while pointing at the necklace that seldom leaves my neck.

He knew. I was damned. I couldn't escape this situation.

I immediately wanted to decline, but as I looked at Blaze, I realized that I couldn't say no to that. I couldn't take him to class, and I couldn't leave him alone. Blaze popped out of Ash's arm and looked at me with an air of contempt.

I nodded before turning back towards my classes for the day. I had no idea what else I had to expect as I missed most of them yesterday.

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