Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 - The return of Blaze 

Point of Alena Underwood 

When Justice stormed out after he realized I was married, I was a lost for words. My connection was still so strong with Ash. I could feel his mixture of emotions in my heart. Sometimes, I wished I could shut it all off. But, it was no longer possible. 

I knew it wasn't a good idea to follow Justice. In his mind, we were both simple humans who dated for a year and split up only a few months ago because we were both going to college. He had no idea we didn't belong to the different worlds. I wasn't even aloud to be with him either. 

The party was slowly dying out when I walked out of the bathroom again. People were no longer aware of their surroundings. Some were even laying down with their humanity completely gone. They were blacked out. I wanted to help, but other people were already taking care of it. 

Right when I was walking out the door, someone stopped me. Her name was Hannah. She had long jet black her. I almost did not recognize her because when we were in High School together, she had blond her. We sat next together in math class but we never talked much to each other. 

"How's Hellia University treating you?" She asked with a smile. 

It was the first genuine interaction I had gotten since I came back to my home town. I could feel that she was actually interested in my college experience and that she wasn't only doing small talk. 

"Believe it or not, it's life changing." I respond. 

Hannah plays with the multiple rings that decorate her fingers. I noticed her long acrylic nails that are colorful with a multitude of patterns and drawings. 

"I'll be there next year." My eyes grow big as I realized that she also belongs into the supernatural world. My radar has been so of these past few months. Since I started living at Hellia University, I lost the habit of knowing who was human and who wasn't. 

"I can't believe it..." I say regarding the fact that she was just like me, somehow who didn't belong in the natural world. 

Her shyness still strikes me as she finally talks a bit about herself: "I had to push it back a year due to the illness that my family was having but I am finally able to go. I can't wait to go to be part of the Outcast!" She says with excitement. 

My instincts tells me that there is more to the story... But I ignore my gut feeling. 

My heart breaks a bit when I realize that she is probably talking about the illness that I was a cause of but couldn't imagine it had started that early if she pushed back that early. 

"I can't wait!" I scream and give her a hug. She is a bit reluctant at first but then comes into my arms. 

"Alena!"  I heard a scream. It was Ash that I heard inside my mind. I could feel his torment. "I can feel that you're in danger. Get out of there." 

I didn't know if it was a way for Ash to get me out of this party or if he was actually serious but I decided to listen to him. I waved one last time to Hannah before leaving the property. 

I only lived a few minutes away from the party so I decided to walk home. This town was so safe so it wasn't out of the ordinary that I decided to walk home late at night. 

I headed towards a bunch of trees that were on the side of the road. I heard a bark before seeing a huge mass of fur running towards me. My heart starting beating so fast as I saw my life flash between my eyes. I was going to be killed by a wolf. This was it. 

The wolf then jumped on me and made me fall to the ground. While I had completely given up. and mentally said goodbye to my love ones, the wolf started licking me. 

I slowly opened my eyes before realizing it was no other but Blaze. 

"Blaze!" I screamed and hugged him. I had missed him so much. 

After he finished attacking me, he growled at me and even showed me his teeth. 

"I know, I left you bud. I was in such a panic that I just had to leave that place where Ash broke my heart." 

I could tell he understood. Just like Ash, Blaze and I were connected. Although in different ways, Blaze always cared about my safety. He would throw his life away if it meant that I was okay. He was as loyal as they came. Something I wished my soulmate also had. 

Blaze moved away so I could stop laying in the middle of the road like a crazy person. People would probably try to shoot Blaze if they saw a wolf standing above a young women. 

I looked around and starting questioning how the hell Blaze would have gotten here. Hellia University was quite a wise away. 

"How did you get here?" I ask Blaze waiting for him to respond to me. 

Blaze pointed towards the forest and barked towards it. I tried to understand or try to perceive what he was trying to tell me. It was too dark out to notice whatever there was in the forest. After standing up, I started walking towards the tall trees until I noticed a large figure in the forest. He was wearing a hat and his appearance looked familiar. 

"I thought you needed him." I heard from the woods. 

It was no other person than my dad who had teleported himself and my companion to my hometown. Not very far from the place my mother had taken her last breath due to his absence. I couldn't believe the audacity that he had for coming here. 

"What do you want?" I ask while crossing my arms against my chest. 

He finally walked out of the shadows. This was quite the spectacle seeing two supernatural beings in a place I had always thought was only inhabited by humans and well, me. 

"I want to show you what you can do." He says. He takes a few more steps in front of me. "If you think making people forget things and having a pet wolf is the only thing you can do, that is very wrong." 

I had no trust in my father but he did have a good point. I had no idea what I was doing with my powers. There was no handbook for students in the Shadow Cast because we all came with different attributes. 

"Come and find me when you want to find that out. I could also help with the situation with Ash." He adds while giving me his card. 

As soon as my fingers touch the card, he disappeared again. 

On the card was written: "The Traveler." with an address on the back which was in California where Ash lived. 

I shoved the card in the back pocket of my shorts. I couldn't believe my long lost father just pops up in my life whenever he pleases. Literally. 

I know felt completely safe walking home with Blaze on my side. 

"Let's get some sleep Blaze. It's been a long day." I tell him. He nodded. I pat the back of his ears to reassure him. Leaving him was probably one of the worst mistakes of my life. He was the last one that deserved that. 

"I'll never leave you again, I promise." 

I repeated those words again and again to him without realizing those were the words I was craving to hear from someone else. 

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