Chapter 6

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Point of view Alena

Dysnomia slammed my door open, screaming my name, causing Sierra to swear at her and roll over.

- "Newbie, you're late. Your duty at the confinement zone is awaiting. Also, you're asked in the director's office before school. It would appear you're in trouble." She scoffs as if that news made her happy.

Dysnomia was standing in the doorway. She was trying to hurt me. Scare me like she did with Emily and get rid of me. Her makeup was already done, but with the light of the moon, I saw a glimpse of a scar. Under layers of foundation, I found one minuscule imperfection. The scar was caused by fire, by chaos.

- "Also, Ash's time is up. You can release him now." She said without any more directions.

The door slammed behind her. I took a few seconds before rolling out of bed. I wasn't a morning person, and my body was hurting. I felt gross as I didn't even have time to shower yesterday. I was hoping to take one after my duties.

I had a strange feeling that Dysnomia hated me. It wasn't like I did anything to her but the way she acted around me was different. I threw a few clothes on my back before heading towards the basement while mumbling at how much I hated my life. I found the keys in my pocket to open the countless doors leading to the student's inmates. I found the food tray and started giving it through the trap towards the doors. I noticed more trays, meaning there had been more incidents since yesterday.

At the end of the hall, I peeked into the glass window that showed into the cells. I gasped as I noticed Thomas. I turned around to see Noah in the other. Both had dried blood on their lips and face. They were turning around like Beasts in a cage.

I decided to break the rules once again and asked Noah. "What the hell happened?" I asked.

Noah ignored me. So did Thomas. I was a bit hurt. They were my friends, and this silent treatment was uncomfortable. I gave it up and continued to the last cell. I was unsure what I needed to do. Do I open the door and do nothing? Dysnomia really didn't make my job easy.

I opened the door that led to the glass cell that held Ashton Rex. He was waiting for me, a cigarette to this mouth with his hands in handcuffs. Ash had a strange grin on his face that made me uncomfortable. It always appeared that he had mad intentions.

- "Are you ready to release the demon?" He said while taking a last inhale off his cigarette before crushing it under his boot.

I wanted to laugh at his cheesy line but also I wanted to take the cigarette away from him. I don't even want to know how he got that shit inside of here. This is supposed to be a punishment period, not a winter wonderland. I thought with frustration.

This time, I ignored him and opened his glass door. His period of isolation was over. He was free. Ash came closer to me. As he walked out, I realized that he was much taller than I realized. He toppled over my average height. It made me uneasy. Everything about his persona made me want to slap him.

He stood right in front of me before his facial expression turned into disgusts. "You smell bad like a fucking Beast was all over you." His words were harsh. I felt embarrassed that he discovered one of my secrets so fast.

He held his handcuffed hands towards me with an impatient expression on his face. I wanted to leave him here. After hurting someone like that, I wanted him to be locked away forever. But today, he would be able to walk free again after two days of isolation. "You don't deserve this," I mutter before taking his handcuffs away. His eyes shot red as his hand wrapped around my throat. He was about to squeeze as my eyes started tearing up. He let go as if he was burned.

- "Be careful to who you speak." He warned me. "I'm not a little wolf. I would take two bites of your little friend."

I scrunch my nose. His ego enraged me. I wasn't a Beast, but I wasn't ready to be walked over. I had no clue because he brought that incident up, but it was none of his business. I wanted to scare him as he scared me. I tried to find some dirt on him too and throw it back at his face like he did every opportunity he had.

- "You don't scare me, Ash. You're just as scared as the rest of us." I replicated.

His touch gave me an idea of the emotions he was feeling. It was so intense that I could barely read through a few of them. Fear was one that I felt the most. This revelation took Ash by surprise.

The emotions were the only power I could control and understood very well. The rest was just a blur. It made me feel like I wasn't at my place here. Somehow, I knew that Ash knew that too.

Ashton came back to me. He wanted to intimidate me, but I did not break. I kept our eyes locked for a second. Long enough to realize that we bring out the worst in each other. His mouth approached my left ear: "Word of advice: Get out of my fucking way, or I will break you."

Ash disappeared before I could argue with him. That was probably a mature decision on his part. His scent surrounded me. His cologne made my head turn. It smelt strong and delicious. His presence was so insatiable. I wanted to know him, to understand him.

Stop Alena. He's poison, and that's all that is to him. I tried to tell myself.

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