Chapter 9

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Point of View Alena

Ash had disappeared as soon as I woke up. I feared that he had felt it too. The feelings I felt when my necklace was off. I was so scared that Ash had figured out another of my secrets. One of the secrets that I could no longer deny.

It wasn't something I could comprehend just yet. Ash and I had nothing in common and couldn't imagine having any relationship. Ash was the opposite of me. He was a monster who only cared about himself.

I didn't understand how it happened but when he looked at me.

I had no idea how that was possible, but I think Ash and I are soulmates.

Kaya had watched us, with a strange expression on her face. She took my idea once she saw my distress. "I hope I am not right about this, but if I am, you guys are in serious trouble." She says while gently squeezing my hand.

I look down at my feet. I hope she doesn't report me. I wouldn't stand getting in trouble for something I can't control.

- "Don't worry. I consider Ash as my little brother. You are safe here. If you need to take the day off to rest, I can do that for you." She says while slowly pushing my head up.

As I look into Kayla's eyes, I see how genuine she is. Finally, I can trust; it made me feel so much better. I press on Kayla's hand to reassure myself that her feelings are valid and she isn't hiding anything from me. She lets me do it and then goes back to her desk.

- "Rest as much as you need." Then, she adds while turning back towards her computer: "Please don't blame him for this."

I sat in the health center for hours. Kayla never came back to bother me; she kept true to her promise and gave me all the time I needed. I laid down to doze off for a bit. I tried so hard not to blame Ash for hurting me, but I couldn't. He had the opportunity to leave, to say no, but he didn't.

I didn't want to leave; I didn't have enough strength to go back to class, to concentrate. Most of all, I was terrified. I was scared at what Ash could do now that he knew or thought he knew that I somehow belonged to him.

It was only a matter of time before he linked all of it to the prophecy.


A few other students had come in for minor injuries. It was dark out when Kayla kicked me out of the health center.

Before that, she made sure I ate enough food before closing. She also gave me this potion that made the remaining of my wolf wound disappear. Kaya was highly knowledgeable in health potions, using her abilities and powers. Right when I was leaving, she made me promise her that if I ever needed anything, I would run to her first.

When I walked out of Main Hellia, I was surrounded by a colder evening and an empty campus. I had no idea what time it was, but everything was silent. It made me feel so fantastic; it made me feel at home for a bit.

I was walking towards the Shadow dorm. I was so determined to get back to my room, but as soon as I passed that old oak tree, I knew I had to make a detour.

I turned into the woods and decided to save a dying wolf creature pup. I searched the woods but didn't find anything. I didn't hear a thing. I felt disappointed hurt.

When I felt like turning back, I heard a small howl coming more profound into the woods. It didn't take much before I started running. I ran fast, moving my body forward. I tried carefully not to fall this time.

I finally stopped in front of a pine tree. The tree was tall and majestic. A tear rolled down my cheek as I noticed the static body of the wolf that had bitten me the other day. I saw the scars from Thomas' claws. I wanted to help, but I knew it was too late.

Suddenly, behind the tree came the little wolf pup with fur that had fiery strands. His eyes reminded me of the bright stars that I used to look at with Uncle Jay on the shore of my town called Westly Bay.

I sat down near what was left of the only person that ever cared for the little creature. "I'm so sorry." I cry out.

The little Beast approached me with a bit of growl. The little pup was full of mud and looked a lot less intense than it did only this weekend. The Beast seemed intrigued and kept coming towards me. It rubbed his gentle head against mine. It was like he was communicating with me. The Beast didn't seem mad or worried.

- "You knew, didn't you?" I asked while scratching his little head. "You called me into the forest. You knew we were linked."

I picked the least Beast up. His little face made me think he could understand me. He howled one last time.

"Do you have a name?" I ask while examining him. I didn't even realize that I was speaking to a wolf. If someone had seen me, I was sure they would have thought I was crazy.

However, I wasn't. The Beast jumped out of my arms and coughed a few times. After a few weeks' tries, a little flash of fire came out of his mouth. I gasped of surprised, realizing he was communicating with me.

Blaze. The blaze was the word that came to my mind when I saw the fiery spirit in his eyes.

- "Your name is Blaze." I say while he comes back to my lap to lick my arm in an air of contempt.

Blaze sat comfortably on my lap. He was small; able to fit in my hand. He was the cutest creature I had ever seen, and I only felt worse knowing he had lost his mom at such a young age.

- "How about I take you home, Blaze? I'd think you like that." I add while continuing to pet his head. He turned his little face towards me in the sense of agreement that melted my heart.

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