| "CANDLE!"| Taiyo x reader |

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Taiyo had one job. It was to keep atleast all but one candle unlit every 31th of October, simple right? No, it wasn't. Once, someone was so close to lighting the last candle before she managed to stop them. Because of that, she paranoid to stay on one floor for more than 1 minute.

 Kabocha made a deal with her, if she manages to complete her task every Halloween, she could live unharmed. If she didn't keep them lit...that's something that terrifies her. On the outside, the kept a calm facade, acting like she wasn't scared to the days leading up to Halloween. There was 31 more days, then 14 more days, then 1 more day.


"Taiyo, it's going to be okay, there isn't many people trying to light the candles this year. Even so, they still have to get through Nagemi." You said, looking at Taiyo. She was crying while rocking back and forth on the floor. She glanced at you while continuing to sob. 

"How do you know that? W-what if they manage to get to the last candle before the time runs out? I-I can't afford that to happen! Kabocha doesn't give second chances! Even more to me! I nearly failed once!" She sobbed quietly, while wiping tears from her eyes. You smiled at her and hugged her. "Taiyo, I promise it will be okay..." You told her, brushing your fingers through her hair. She smiled back at you while hugging you tightly, feeling a tiny bit better from your words.

When the 31st of october came, Taiyo was praying she would be okay. You said your farewells to her and wished her luck.


Taiyo waited to see if the people trying to attempt Kabocha's trials would have survived Nagemi, and sadly, they did. She ran to her place as they arrived, and she started to chase them down. It was a bit hard to find them, since they could hide in rooms, where she couldn't go. She brushed her hair out of her face as she stopped someone from lighting a candle, but she hated to see them drop onto the floor, so she covered her face back up and raced away to find the others. 

"3 more minutes!" She said to herself, realising that she might be able to do this. She prevented more and more players from lighting the candles, until there was one player left. She couldn't find them anywhere, and they kept lighting more candles.

The player ran from her as she chased after them, revealing her face. The player screamed in a panic as she neared closer, about to stop them. They panted and struggled to run as the timer hit the 1 more minute mark. 

"STOP! PLEASE!" The player cried, making a face of worry. Taiyo stopped in her tracks remembering how she made the same face when Kabocha yelled at her for nearly failing her task. The player bolted away, inches away from the next candle. Taiyo cursed herself for letting herself get distracted and hunted after them. 

Then they pulled the lighter out. Time went slow for Taiyo as she watched them slowly bring the lighter towards the wax, trying to light it from afar as she catched up with them. They suddenly lit the candle, just in time as the area around them lit up and Kabocha's laugh could be heard echoing around as they teleported away. 

"N-no." She said softly to herself as she saw him appear in front of her. Kabocha removed her pumpkin and looked at Taiyo. "Kabocha and you had a deal, correct? Now you must pay up to what you agreed to." Kabocha echoed, waiting to see what Taiyo would do. She started to look around in a panic, not knowing what to do. "Please...let me live...I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" She said anxiously, scared. 

"Kabocha is a man of his word." 


The news that Taiyo was missing had been passed onto you. You were the only one who knew what had happened, and even then, you couldn't bring yourself to accept it. Taiyo couldn't be dead, she had always managed to stop the players. So it couldn't be possible. Right? You even promised her it would be okay, did you lie to her? You promised her you would never lie to you. 

"Y/N, do you know what happened to Taiyo?" Nagemi coughed, seeing your teary eyes. You lied to him and said no. "I know she was really close to you, I'm sorry." He said, blinking his one eye. You nodded a quiet thank you and left. You couldn't deal with telling yourself about what happened, let alone anyone else. Everyone looked at you knowing how close you were to Taiyo, you swore you even saw Kabocha glance at you in pity for a split second. 

You listened as everyone made theories to where Taiyo had gone. Some said she had a new role, and some thought she had just gone away until next Halloween. You smiled at yourself in sorrow, looking in the mirror. Every Halloween from then on, you would light candles and not blow them out until the next day to remember Taiyo.


"Y/N, do you know what happened to Taiyo?" Nagemi coughed, seeing your teary eyes. You lied to him and said no. "I know she was really close to you, I'm sorry." He said, blinking his one eye. You nodded a quiet thank you and left. You couldn't deal with telling yourself about what happened, let alone anyone else. Everyone looked at you knowing how close you were to Taiyo, you swore you even saw Kabocha glance at you in pity for a split second.

You ran back home and opened your home door to see Taiyo brushing her hair. "Y/N! You're home early, how are the others?" Taiyo asked, pulling you into a hug. You hugged her back and smiled. "The others are fine, plus you're only fired! Kabocha should have worded his sentence better when he told you the whole thing you had to agree too." You grinned, as Taiyo smiled at you. "Yeah, I was so scared!" She laughed, putting down her hairbrush. "Thank you for helping me Y/N!" Taiyo said, hugging you even tighter.

"It's no problem Taiyo!"

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