chapter 3

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a/n: hello hello! This is the weekend so that means more potential content for this story. I'm writing this (most of it) waiting on manatreed's stream, who knows how it'll go. Anyway, hope you enjoy this story!!

y/n's pov

could this really be one of the last times i see them all?

As I watched my sister and brothers pack their things I started to tear up. I'm seriously going to miss them, and I wish I could go with them, but I don't want to leave Tommy.

Just as if it were on cue, Tom climbs through my bedroom window, "you said you wanted to talk, what's up?" He asks, taking a seat on my bed, I sigh and sit down next to him after closing my door, "well, my dad and siblings are moving to the US and they wanted me to go with them-" Tommy cuts me off, "you're not going are you?" he asked in a worried tone.

A few moments passed between when I started up again, "Tommy, of course I'm not, but I was wondering if I could stay with you until a month after my birthday?" I ask, looking at the ground. I felt his hand on mine, "i'll have to ask my mum, but i'm sure she'll be fine with it," he pulled my face up to look at his, he was so beautiful, i wanted nothing more than to kiss him in that moment, we started leaning in slowly, suddenly there were loud noises and screaming coming from downstairs.

!!TW!! Fighting and abuse

We quickly stand up, Tommy lets go of my hand, leaving it cold again. We walk down to see my sister and mum fighting, and screaming over nothing. "Mum, Isabella, please!" i hear matt call, fuck, why in front of the twins! I run over to them, "YOU NEED TO STOP MUM, YOU'RE THE ONE HURTING THE FAMILY, WHY ELSE DO YOU THINK EVERYONE IS LEAVING Y-" she slapped me in the face and i started to tear up. Tommy stepped in grabbing me out of there and dad pulled Isa and the boys out the door.


As we were walking up to my room I couldn't stop myself from crying, Tommy just hugged me and let me cry in his arms. It was nice, I really didn't wanna let go, but I knew that eventually I had to.

We sat like that for a couple hours until he had to go home, his mum needed him home, they were going out of town the next morning, my birthday. I guess I'll be spending my birthday alone. I sigh and go onto twitch, tommyinnit is live, i click on the live and instantly i hear my name being said by tubbo, "so, y/n, how is she doing?" he asks, Tommy's face flushes, "tubbs, can we talk after the stream about this," he trys laughing it off but the chat was flooded with questions about me.

"Woah woah, chat, no me and y/n aren't a couple, we've been friends since we were in diapers!" A few moments pass and Tommy answers another question, "uh yeah, I can try calling her, or better yet.." Tommy gets up on stream and I hear knocking on my window, "chat wants to meet you, is that okay?" he smiled as he noticed me watching his stream, "oh, well i guess you already knew that," he said with a slight blush.

I shoo him out, "i'll be over in a bit, i'm in my pj's," i laugh and close my curtains. Moments later I'm climbing through Tommy's room in my ripped jeans and a jumper that's way too big for me. "Hey chat!" I say walking into frame, "ahhh!!" tommy screamed, "what the fuck!" he says laughing in between. "Well you're the one that told me to come over," I say laughing and grabbing a chair from the hallway.

~Time skip~

The stream ended about 20 minutes ago. It was just Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and I in a vc chatting. They were all really nice, but it was getting really late and I was starting to feel tired. At this point it was 11:50pm, I knew Tommy had to get up in the morning and i didnt want to be the one to keep him up. We said goodbye to the boys and cleaned up after the stream.

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