chapter 12

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a/n: hello!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

y/n's pov

Reece and I have gotten closer, I mean ever since we first met yesterday I've wanted to get to know him. Just then as i was thinking about him he walks in, "hello gorgeous," i smile, "hi," he comes and sits down next to me on my bed, "don't you have work to do?" he nodded his head no, "i'm actually off today, i just wanted to come see you," this made me blush.

We had been sitting there for about an hour now when I heard a knock on my door, "Shoot, can you go sit in the chair? If it's my family you can't be sitting on the bed," I whispered and he moved over, "come in!" I say it loud enough so whoever is outside the door can hear me. Just then my dad walked in the room, "oh! Hi dad, you're really not supposed to be out of bed," he sighs, "yeah yeah, i know! I wanted to come see how you were doing though, darling," I smile, "uh dad, this is Reece he works here and we've become quite good friends, also Reece can you grab a chair for my dad so he can sit down?" My dad says hello to Reece and thanks him for grabbing the chair.

"Hey, so I've gotta tell you something," he takes a moment and i nod letting him know i was ready to hear it, "you're brother- well sorta? Anyway, Matt told me that they were non-binary and wanted to be called Echo, they asked if i could tell you," my eyes start to glisten, "aww thats so sweet, are they outside the room?" I giggled and wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. He nodded and let Echo know to come in.

"Hey kiddo, you know, you could've told me yourself right?" they looked up at me, they were crying "really?" I laugh and pat the bed next to me, "yes really! Come here silly kid," I wiped his tears away as he sat next to me. "I will love you no matter what, okay Echo?" they nodded, still crying a little bit, "who's that?" They pointed at Reece, "oh, that's Reece, one of my new friends," I pulled them a little closer to my ear, "hopefully more than friends soon," we both giggled as Reece and my dad looked at us with confusion.

We finished chatting and everyone left my room except Reece who was fixing the chair back to its place. He seems so amazing, I know I have only known him for a few days but he seems interested in me, even when I'm practically on my deathbed. I smile at him as he sits down next to me, "wanna watch a movie?" I nod and grab my laptop. The movie Tommy and I watched when I finally got my laptop was still cued up on my Netflix. I close out of the movie, "what genre do you wanna watch?" he smirks and types in a movie on the keyboard, "it's a romance movie, wanna watch it?" I nod which makes him laugh as he presses play.

About 10 minutes into the movie he put his arm around me and I scooted closer to him, my cheeks tainted a pink colour. He laughs at the movie which brings me back to reality.

♥︎~Time skip~♥︎

As the movie comes to an end and we watch the credits he looked over at me, our faces only an inch away from each other. We were almost about to kiss when there was a knock on my door. Reece stands up and pulls a chair beside the bed, trying not to make any noise. Once he got everything set up I told the person outside to come in, I was still slightly blushing. Tommy walked in holding a milkshake and some flowers. "Hey Tommy!" i try getting rid of the blush on my cheeks and my heart to stop racing.

He looked over at Reece and then back at me, "hey y/n, also- who's this?" I introduced them as Tommy handed me the milkshake and flowers. They were my favourite, white daisies, baby's breath, starflowers, and rock cress. The flowers were really pretty and the milkshake was delicious. "Hey, y/n, I've gotta go, my mom is calling me-" i wave goodbye and as he is walking out the door he says, "goodbye gorgeous," sshhhit.

A/N: Another chapter on the same day? Woah! Crazy am I right? Anyway, I just wanna say thank you for the support and love you guys are leaving! Have a good day/night whenever you're reading this! I love you guys, please hydrate and eat something if you can, also i'm really proud of you<3

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