chapter 6

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y/n's pov

"y/n, we've got a proposition for you," he said sitting down. "You can stay here, in the hospital, or you can go to America and get way better treatment, and have a higher chance of getting a lung replacement.." i thought about it for a moment, "uhm, well-"

~Time skip~

It had been 2 weeks since I had gotten the offer. I found it insane at first, I still do, but who am I to say, "oh, nevermind, I don't want to go to America," I already agreed, I can't say no now.

As i'm sat on the plane I noticed how long this flight would be; 8 hours, 23 minutes never seemed like a long period, that was a whole day in school, it was how long an average person should sleep, it's not a big amount of time, but it seemed like it.

We were only 20 minutes into the flight but it felt like days. My family had to take a different plane, this was only for cancer patients. I find it weird, I have cancer, I HAVE cancer, I have CANCER. It sent shivers down my spine everytime i repeated it in my head.

After just thinking for a while I feel myself drift off into sleep.

Tommy's pov

It was almost time for a short break for springtime, y/n was on her way to the hospital in the US, i think they said it was in Minnesota? God why did this have to happen to her, she's the sweetest human alive, she doesn't deserve this.

My phone started ringing, it was Toby, I didn't know if I should answer it or let it go to voicemail. I decided it'd be best to answer, "hello?" I say, trying not to sound sad, "hey big man, you alright?" it obviously didn't work. "Hey tubs, im okay i guess, uh i'm going to the US in a couple of days, uh one of my friends are there and sh- i mean they wanted me to come over," i try saying to change the subject, "tommy..." fuck, is he streaming, "tom, im streaming-" tubbo said, "uhhh-" i hang up the phone but immediately text tubbo.


Tommy: why didn't you tell me when you called that you were streaming!?

Tubs: Sorry mate, I thought you knew!

Tommy: well even if i did you still should have answered with, "hey! I'm streaming!"

Tubs: Tommy, I'm really sorry, okay?! I promise to let you know next time, I'm sorry*read: 3:05AM*

God, I didn't want the fans to know cause I know they would expect content. I decided to tweet something really quick.


TommyInnit: What's up, chat?! So

if you were on tubbo's stream

you would know that i'm going to

America in a few days, i just wanna

say, there won't be content this time,

sorry boys.


There were already a bunch of replies coming through, i didn't check them i just put my phone away and continued editing my video for tomorrow.

y/n's pov

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as we got off the plane, *tommyinnit has tweeted* i opened twitter and saw his tweet, what- he's coming here? Woah- i decided to tweet something funny out but before i could i saw the clip of tubbo calling tommy. I listened to it a few times- hes dumb, but in a cute way, and that was a really good save. I continued typing out the tweet.


Tommy's_bestie_y/n replied to tommyinnit:

You're leaving me? What a friend you are!

(this tweet is mostly satire, he is going to

the US without me 😭)


Almost instantly;


Tommyinnit replying yo tommy's_bestie_y/n:

You like your user bitch?



.....y/n replying to tommy....

What..? OH MY GOD what did you do?


Tommy.... Replying to .....y/n:

Don't sleep around me y/n 😪


I sigh, shoving my phone into my bag. I know he did it at the hospital, it was sweet, but I'm also kinda mad.

After them rolling me out of the airport and into the taxi thats when i realized, i havent tweeted in a month or 2, that was the first thing i'd said since i got into the hospital, i pull out my phone and open twitter again.

There are a lot of replies to my tweets on tommy's, most were saying things like, "oh my god she's alive!" or, "what happened? Are you okay??" and even some, "welcome back, when are you streaming again???" i quickly typed out a tweet:


tommy's_bestie_y/n: guys im sorry

I have been gone so long. There has

been some family stuffs that ive

had to deal with. There wont be any

Streams for a while, an indefinite

time frame :(


I then shoved my phone back into my bag, just as we were arriving at the hospital, it was huge, a lot bigger than the ones back home.

To be continued..

844 words

a/n: hello! So sorry this is a short chapter im not feeling very well. I really wanted to get you guys a chapter out! Anyway, please vote this story if you enjoyed! Stay hydrated and eat something if you can, i love you, bye<3

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