chapter 19

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Reece pov(possibly triggering)

"Son, were moving," what... "where to mom?" she pauses a moment, "we're moving to london, i got a better job offer there, plus they have better schools, which you need," "mom, i really don't, can i please stay here? I'll live with aunt claire and-" ''no, you're coming with us, i don't care what you say, but i will let you stay here and finish the year and if you want i'll talk to claire about the summer," i sigh, "okay mom. Whatever you say," god dammit that means i'll have to see y/n more.

I pull out my phone and message her.

(tw over)

y/n's pov

I was walking around the gardens to get some fresh air when my phone chimes. I sat down and pulled it out of my pocket, it was reece.

Reeces pieces<3

R. Hey, so I've got good news!
y/n. What's up?
R. im moving to london after the first month of summer!
y/n. That's amazing! I can't wait to show you all of my favourite places
R. yeah, same

I shut off my phone and continued walking around until it started to get darker. I headed up to my room and changed out of the warmer clothes I was wearing. Hospitals are meant to be cold but for some reason my room was always really fucking warm.

I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop to watch some netflix, i've gotta continue watching a show, i do leave in 2 days. One if i'm lucky. I cannot wait to get back home, I miss my stuff.

♥︎~Time skip~♥︎

The day before i leave. I should probably start packing my things away. I stood up but immediately got dizzy and sat back down. I pressed the call button and almost instantly a nurse came rushing into the room, "hi, sorry to call, but i stood up and got dizzy immediately," "okay, ms. heart (just go with it) i'll get the doctor, please don't stand up, okay?" I nod and she leaves the room.

A few moments later the doctor and a few nurses came in with a wheelchair, "we're taking you to a room to run some tests, they cannot be done in here, so grab your phone and your bottle of water, as well as your blanket. I wanna reassure you, everything is fine, we just wanna run some tests," I nod and grab my things and shoot my mum a quick message telling her that they are running some tests.

They pull me onto the wheelchair and wheel me out of the room. As we're heading there the doctor is asking me questions, "have you eaten anything today?" I nodded yes, "oookay, uh, have you taken your meds today?" i nodded again, "okay, uhm, what did you eat and what meds did you take?" I thought about what I ate for breakfast and lunch, "well, for breakfast I had french toast and f/j, and for lunch I had a grilled ham and cheese with f/s," he nodded and wrote on his pad. (f/j- favourite juice, f/s- favourite soup)

As we reached the room there were a lot of machines and equipment. "What does all of this do dr. ross?" "Nothing you really need to worry about, we're only going to draw your blood and check on a few things with your cancer using that," he pointed to some machine that i had never seen before, it was a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparently. I started feeling really anxious which I think the doctor noticed but pushed it aside.

663 words

a/n: 1 more chapter till the end, are we excited? Sorry this is so short, I am running out of ideas, anyway. Chapter 19 is being written tonight at 8pm est and will be uploaded anytime between 8:45 and 9:15 pm! I love you guys and hope you're enjoying the story so far<3 don't forget to hydrate and eat something if you can! See you all later, and be excited for the next chapter! Im proud of all of you<3333

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