chapter 18

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a/n: hello dearest readers. There are only 2 chapters left till the "last chapter?" (that's the title of it) i will be making a second book, you'll see why at the very end. AND there will be a teaser at the very end of this book, it will have it's own separate chapter<3 anyway, on with the book! btw this chapter is NOT proof read- sorry

y/n's pov

I called Tommy, "hey.." he sounded and looked sad almost.. "Hey toms, what's up?" he sighed, "y/n.. I uhm, well i was in the US as you know, and i'm not leaving until you do, but uh the last time we were on call uh.." what is he going on about? "..y/n, i hadn't left the call when Reece came in.. i knew you weren't asleep," fuck- "i want you to know that im not- no, i am mad, you didn't even think to tell me that reece was there and you fucking pretended to be asleep," i take a breath, "toms, i know what i did was wrong, i just didn't want you to be mad, i mean-" he cuts me off, "y/n, i could never be mad with you, especially if the person you love wanted to spend time with you, i get why you did what you did, but it doesn't make it any better.."

"I know toms, i do, it wasn't even my idea, it was his.. Im sorry i didn't tell you, but i do wanna tell you now, he is here and is only waiting for me to get off, i really really wanna spend time with him, i- i might tell him how i feel tonight.."

Tommy's pov

"I might tell him how i feel tonight," why why why! "Oh? Good luck then n/n, my mum is calling me, i'll text you later, yeah?" "of course! Love you toms," beeeep my mum wasn't calling me, i just needed to get out of there before i started crying..

Reece pov(going back in time to chapter 16)
(tw! Slut shaming and harsh language)

I had just left y/n's room cause she said she was getting "tired", fucking slut, she just wanted to be alone with mark, she probably has like 20 boyfriends, maybe i can change that. I see the nurse i had fucked in the closet, it wasn't great but hey, sex is sex! Can't complain- i walked over to her and started kissing her (more like sucking her face of, ew)

(Tw over)

y/n's pov (back to present)

Reece had just walked into the room when i got off the phone with tommy, "hey beautiful," i smile, "hi!" hes so cute and sweet! "What do you wanna do n/n(use least favourite)," i think about it for a moment, "actually can we just talk for right now?" he nodded in response and sat down next to me, "whats up?" i take a deep breath in, "i, i like you-" i close my eyes, "y/n, i like you too, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" i look back up, "yes! Of course there's nothing i want more- i mean other than to get out of this hospital, and maybe go-" he shuts me up with a kiss.

We kiss for a good few minutes.. Only coming up for air when we had to. We break the kiss and when i look around to get my eyes adjusted i noticed that he was on top of me sitting on my lap, and pressing his hands into the hospital bed below us. I started blushing hard. "Oh, sorry," he scratched the back of his head and pulled himself off of me and sat down next me again.

We sat in a comfortable silence until his phone stared ringing, "oh, sorry gotta take this," i nod as he gets up and leaves the room, i quickly message mark.

y/n. AHHH guess what!
M. what?!
y/n. Me and reece are together!!
M. Good for you!
M. i gtg, sorry n/n
y/n. Its cool, love you markie
M. don't ever call me that again, respectfully

I text tommy quickly


y/n. Tommy! Guess what
T. you told reece how you felt and now you guys are dating, and you called ranboo markie and he hated it?
y/n. How the fuck?
T. im sitting right next to him doofus
y/n. Oh-
T. congrats though, you deserve all of the love in the world!
y/n. Thanks bro, i gtg he's coming back, bye mate
T. bye

Reece comes back into the room, "i feel really bad about this y/n, but i gotta go, my mom needs me at the house," "that's alright, i was probably gonna head to bed soon anyway, i'll see you later, stay safe and tell your mom i say hi," i smile and wave goodbye as he walked out.

Reece pov(this might be triggering)

I just left y/n again, i fucking hate her, but i am only using her. I mean hell, she's going back to the UK in 2 days anyway, so what does it matter, it's not like i'll ever see her again.

As i walk to my house i get a message that y/n changed my contact name to "reeces pieces<3" how original. I roll my eyes and changed hers to something 'cute' then i shut off my phone. I get to my front door and unlock it, "mom im home," she pulls me into the kitchen and says, "son, we're moving..."

To be continued...

940 words

a/n:mwahahahaha its not that evil seeing as the next chapter will be out soon anyway. Anywhosels, i hope you guys enjoy this book! I love you and i hope you are all doing okay today! Please stay hydrated and eat something if you can, i love you and i'm so proud of you! Also happy birthday to tommy! <3

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