chapter 15

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y/n's pov

"Tommy!" We were playing hide and seek. I don't know why but Tommy was always good at this game. "Tommy!!" i kept shouting his name, i had been searching for him for about 30 minutes and still nothing. I was about to shout that i gave up but then i heard his loud laugh coming from behind a tree, "got you!" "aw come on y/n not fair!" I laughed as we walked back towards our house. He didn't look like he does now, his hair was short and his face was small. He looked like he did when we were 7, maybe this is a memory?

A sudden flash came and we were in another place. This time it looked to be a restaurant, there was a birthday cake in front of me with the number 8 on it. Everyone was singing the birthday song. I remembered what happened that day. At the restaurant his mum and my mum had taken us out for lunch at our favourite place and I kinda forgot it was my birthday so I didn't expect anything. I started crying and some kid made fun of me, Tommy stuck up for me though, he always had been sweet.

Another flash.

This time it was of me moving away, i don't remember this, no matter how hard my brain tried to process this... it.. It seemed familiar but I was unsure. We were 10, it was midsummer i think, i couldn't be too sure but it was warm and we weren't in school.

Another flash.

I didn't want to know anymore so I tried forcing myself awake. It didn't work, I was now in what seemed to be an American home, why am I here? As if on cue my mum walked into the room, "y/n c'mon we've gotta get you ready for school, i don't even know why i have to tell you this, you are 11 and should be able to get yourself up and ready." what? I'm 11? That means I've been here at least a year- why? Why have I been here a year? I'm supposed to be in the UK with Tommy making clay bowls in art..

Another short flash.

I was now in a classroom, it was nothing like what I remember classrooms to look like, I'm guessing that was because I was in another country. The teacher called everyone to be quiet and we all sat down, somehow i already knew where my desk was, "hello students, welcome to soubhwefh! I am miss vnouehwo3ir, i cannot wait to get to know all of you," why were her words a blurr? Why can't I hear her? What-

Another flash, this time i was at home -not my UK home, my American one- staring into a computer screen, i looked about 15 im guessing. As I booted up the computer I got a call, "hello?" "hi, it's me, we need you again today," "i can't, my family will know, i can come later," "no, we need you now, if you don't come now we will give up your spot!" I sighed and shut down the computer, "fine, be there shortly."

Another flash.

I was in a factory of some sort, dressed in dark clothing. "Okay, now that y/n is here, we can start," they started saying something, but i can't make out what it was. What is going on? Once the room came to a hush everyone looked at me, oh no. I stood up and started running. I was in the woods now, surrounded by an unfamiliar landscape. I hit my head.

My mind was a black bottomless pit but voices surrounded me, "mark, i know you want to be here but i dont think it's wise," my mother, "tommy, you too," my dad. Wait, Tommy was here?! I tried opening my eyes, nothing. I felt like I hadn't seen Tommy in ages, when in reality it had only been a few days. I tried shouting his name, but nothing.

"Alright, i'm sorry to have bothered you both, tell her i love her please," i then heard footsteps fading. No.. no... No... NO i dont want you to go, come back please, i love you too tommy! Please.

And with the final flash i was back in my hotel room, my mom sitting across from me, "y/n?" she said in a hushed tone, "mum? What's going on?" "honey, youve been asleep for a while, they thought you'd gone into a coma-" "what?" i choked on my own words, "they thought the effects of the surgery were too tough on you and your body shut down," i couldn't manage to get a word out, and i had been breathing harder than usual. "Honey, go get the doctor," she looked at Echo, "wait, come here Echo, i wanna give you a hug," they came over and simply wrapped their arms around me.

After about 5 minutes after Echo left a doctor walked in, "very glad to see your awake, i mean everyone was really worried about you y/n" i nodded as he walked over and sat down in the swivel chair next to my bed. "I- uhm, i had some weird 'memories' i guess you could call them," i managed to get out. "What kind of 'memories' are you talking about," "well they weren't mine, but the person who's memories they were looked like me,"

To be continued<3

912 words

a/n: hello! Hope you like the book so far, only 9 chapters left!! Be prepared for y/n and reece to get closer, but tommy, wilbur, tubbo, and ranboo watch and hurt. Will someone end the relationship between y/n and reece, or will everyone come to terms with the fact that they might end up together? Find out, next time on "Reach for the Stars" !!

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