chapter 7

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a/n: hello hello, sorry its been a while, i havent been feeling the best. Also when the person whos pov it is, their talking or messages will be in italics, just to make it a bit easier! I hope you enjoy :)

y/n's pov

I've been in the american hospital for about a week now, tommy still wasn't here, i miss him. I miss the way he could simply say hello to me and everything would be better, I wish he was here right now. My phone pulled me out of my thoughts.

Annoying bitch

Hey, guess what!


That teacher, from the last day of school,

he got fired, and arrested, turns out there

was still a student in the classroom and

They recorded the whole thing !!

Oh, well that's good...right?

Ofc its good y/n, when you come back

He won't be there, AND, he won't be able

To do it to any other students!

I guess...

Well, uh another guess what!

Just tell me!

Okay, okay! Look up :)


And with that, the door to my room swung open, and there stood Tommy, his gorgeous blue eyes staring into mine. I stood up slowly and pulled him into a hug, "I missed you," I whispered.

He walked me over to my bed, making sure I didn't fall, he's so sweet! He sat me down carefully and laid down beside me, "i missed you too, n/n," he smiles.

a/n: n/n means nick name!

n/n? He hasn't called me that since we were younger! I missed it. I smile back at him and rest my head into his shoulder. A few seconds later my mum burst through the door, "Y/N! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about any of this, I'm sorry!" she's crying and pleading with me, "Mum, it's fine, I know about it now, and I'm getting treatment," i say trying to sit up but tommy wont let me.

She gets up and comes over to hug me, "i'm also sorry about what i said that night," i hug her back, "mum, please just go find dad, it'll be okay, i promise!" she nods and exits the room. Tommy looked at me with confusion. I tell him what my mum said and he looked completely shocked, "woah- thats... wow," i nodded and layed back down on his shoulder, i never want to leave this spot.

After a while I guess I fell asleep, the only thing I remember is Tommy whispering, "I want you to know how much I truly love you, you're my everything." and with that i was asleep. That night a bunch of nurses were in and out of my room, they woke me up multiple times for a check on my lungs and everything, just making sure the situation had gotten worse. Ugh i hate that they're like this, it's so annoying.

It was now the next morning, I was woken up at least 10 times by the nurses coming in for checkups. Tommy just stayed where he was, I wish there was a bigger hospital bed I could be in, just to make it more comfortable. It was only 9am when I woke up, Tommy was still asleep so I played with his hair and watched some of his vods on twitch. At about 10 am the nurses brought my breakfast and did one more check up, "hey, y/n, it's almost time to go into your chemo," one of them said, "yeah, i know, i'll be up soon, thanks," i smiled at them as they walked out of the room. I finished the vod and carefully got up, trying not to wake tommy up, i pressed the call button and sat down in the wheelchair.

After a few quick moments a nurse walked in, "hi, you called?" she says, sounding kind of irritated, "uh, yeah, i've gotta go do chemo- i need help," she sighed, "let me go get a different nurse, i can't deal with you cancer people." wow she was rude- and she's a nurse, she shouldn't be so mean to her damn patients! A couple seconds later a new nurse walked in, "hello," i waved and her face went back to a resting position, why are the nurses in a bad mood today, holy fuck.

I am now sat in the room to do chemo when i get a message from Tommy.

Annoying bitch

Hey, where are you :(

Doing my chemo, why?

You were warm and now im alone, i look dumb...

Aw, i'll be back soon, don't worry

No, what room are you in?

Floor 3 room 105, but you can't come in!

And why not?

Cause its only for cancer patients!

Too late!


He was walking through the doors when I looked up from my phone, that dork. "Hey gorgeous," he smiled. "I- what?" i said obviously confused, "shh, so the only way i could get in is if i said we were either family or i was your significant other," he whispered, "well why didn't you say we were family?" "duh, cause we were sleeping next to each other, plus- i wouldn't be able to do this if we were family," he kissed my nose and then my cheek, "now would i?" I stared at him completely flabbergasted, I didn't know how to react. Thankfully the nurse walked in, "y/n, you're done, you can go for a roll around the gardens with you boyfriend," she says.

                                                                                  ~to be continued~

877 words :)

a/n: sorry it took so long to get out, ive been stressed and busy this weekend, i really wanted to get this out on saturday or friday but it took me like all weekend. But its here and the wilbur story will be updated asap, i love you guys, stay hydrated and eat something, bye <3

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