chapter 5

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 y/n's pov


I tried waking up from it multiple times, but every time I opened my eyes it was just his beautiful face, every single time. I give up.

Tommy's pov

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I woke up late and now I'm going to be late to school. y/n is still in the hospital, and it's been a week. I wish she didn't have to go through this, I wish she didn't have cancer. I know that there's nothing I can do to prevent it, but I wish there were.

I need to get to school, i need to do many things but she's the only thing on my mind.

Narrator bit

Tommy went on with his day, thinking constantly of y/n, who has seemingly just woken up for the first time all week.

y/n's pov

I sat up in my- no not my bed, in.. a hospital bed? As i'm looking around i noticed my dad in the chair next to me, i shake him awake, "dad?" he hums a response and slowly opens his eyes. He looked shocked- "y/n! Oh my god, youre awake!" he says still tired. Whats going on, what in the FUCK is going on- just then a nurse walked in the room, and quickly left.

A few moments later she, the doctor, my dad, and my siblings were all in the room, surrounding me. "Okay, what the hell is going on, and why is everyone looking at me like I'm some kind of- of- freak?!" I finally said. "y/n.." the doctor starts, "you've been diagnosed with lung cancer to be exact, your family has had it for forever, but your mum never told us anything," what- i have cancer, for real? The only time I've seen someone who had cancer was in movies or books- i know it's real but i don't know how to deal with this- like what's going to happen if they can't cure it, how long do i have to live, what- what's going to happen to Tommy? As if on cue my phone started to ring, annoying bitch is calling you.

I answer as quickly as possible, i don't care what's going on in the room or even if they don't want me to have my phone, "hello?" I answered, "y/n?!" he shouts through the phone, "yes Tommy, it's me!" I say as tears start to roll down my cheeks. "I- i'm in the hospital, i'll be up to see you in a few minutes!" he says enthusiastically, i know he's crying too. My sister noticed what was happening and shooed everyone out of my room, "come on, come on, give the kid some privacy," she said, ushering people out.

Tommy was coming to see me, ME! I need to tell him how I felt before... before- well you know.. Tommy hung up the phone and seconds later burst into the room, "Tommy!" I said standing up to give him a hug. His arms were preoccupied with flowers and chocolates and a pretty journal. He quickly set them down and wrapped me up in a hug, "Tommy, can we go to the roof, I have something I want to talk to you about.."

"Yeah, of course y/n, i'll grab you a wheelchair and an extra blanket or two," he's so thoughtful. A few moments later in came Tommy, pushing a wheelchair and holding extra blankets which he wrapped around me, "oh! And," he took a hoodie out of his bag, "this is for you, its mine but i want you to have it,"he smiles and hooks up my oxygen tank and IV bag to the wheelchair.

The elevator ride was awkward, there was a couple in there right next to us being all lovey dovey- it was just weird. When we finally got to the roof it had started snowing, very lightly, it was like a soft rain on a midsummer day, i loved the rain. "Tommy," i started, his gorgeous blue eyes looked into mine, "i uh, I've wanted to tell you this forever, and i figured now would be the time.." i smiled, "y/n, i like you!" he blurts out.

"You what-" the snow picked up and was now starting to pile on the roof. Tommy quickly takes me back down to my room, "Tommy-" the doctor walked into the room which shut me up.

"y/n, we've got a proposition for you," he said sitting down. "You can stay here, in the hospital, or you can go to America and get way better treatment, and have a higher chance of getting a lung replacement.." i thought about it for a moment, "uhm, well-"

To be continued<3

794 words

a/n: hello hello! So sorry about the cliffhanger, youll have to wait till next week for the next chapter of the story, and sorry it took so long for me to upload, ive had a stressful week and i haven't had any motivation for anything. I love you guys, stay hydrated and eat something, i love you, byeee<3

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