Chapter 13

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I rode in a silence that even the birds in the distance didn't like as Aberdeen took me back to the estate. His rippling mane glistened in the afternoon as large lava pits, I have decided that was what they were, gave off the light as if they were the sun themselves.

My steed had not uttered a single word as he let us go back in an uncomfortable stalemate. I don't think it was because he was mad, though I guessed he would be a little upset, but I believe it was from a lack of words to say.

Unlike him, my mind was swirling. What did my steed see? Does he have wings? If so, are they made of water? Would he be mad at me if I asked him?

If he were a human, the sound he would have made would have been a sigh, but instead it was a snort.

I have wings but only my master can summon them, he said, my mind a little happier that he wasn't mad at me.

Oh I am quite upset with you my lady but I am more worried about who you were talking to. Dang it. I was hoping to skip this.

"It was someone who I had met in town," I lied, trying to make it seem like the truth and hoping that was how he saw it. Aberdeen's ears flicked a bit back and forth, a thinking gesture I'm guessing.

Remembering back to his previous words, I thought about how to summon his wings. Is it like a Spider Man trick where I just extend the wrist and point it at him or was there a special rhyme? What is it?

You are quite the strange one my lady. I grinned and did the Spider Man gesture towards his shoulder area. Nothing happened and an amused whinny met me as Aberdeen halted to a gentle stop.

"How do I get your wings to appear?" The steed looked back to me with those deep ocean water eyes and motioned with his great head to dismount. I did so, careful not to hurt myself and watched with infant curiosity as he turned and faced me, his great snout towering over my head.

Lowering his head so he was in line with my gaze, Aberdeen's white glowing stripe rippled like the sun upon the ocean's waves at sunset. It was so amazing that I couldn't help but reach out my hand towards it. As soon as my hand touched it, every single thought that the steed had in his mind became known.

I was born for her. My lady. I want her to rule. She is not safe here. She is not safe. She must fight. She will feel so much pain in this. I want to help her. I may be the last water steed but I will not allow the Liquis house to fall. I vowed to the King and Queen. I can not let them down. If I can gather my wings, maybe I can take away all of her pain...

And his thoughts continued like a raging storm. I had been so focused on my own problems that I hadn't realized what Aberdeen and the rest of the Liquis followers were going through. I bet most of them have gone through so much loss with family or friends. I had to do something. Anything to help the people struggling around me.

"Aberdeen, let your soul free and let us fly," I whispered, every word sincere.

A flash of white rushed by me, my hair coming undone from its entrapment and my cloak fluttered against me wildly, like a bird caught in a cage. A single drop of moisture hit my face, and I instantly reached up to touch it with the hand that wasn't on Aberdeen's massive head. The little drop was glowing. I looked up at Aberdeen to asking him about it, but his eyes made my hand fall back to my side.

His eyes were glowing too. His mane and tail were glowing a magnificent white that reminded me of strobe lights. It was almost too bright to look at but I still watched as the glowing behind him became an actual mass.

Right before me, Aberdeen's wings were made of water that glowed dimly but was amazing nonetheless.

My wings. They are free. I have my wings! A shrill and excited whinny exited his throat as he spread them wide open for me to look at. I removed my hand from his glowing stripe and walked to his side. Aberdeen kept them out for me to inspect. I could almost see what were supposed to be feathers but were instead just water. Tentatively, I reached my fingers forwards, glancing back to my steed for confirmation that I was allowed to touch his wings.

He too studied me. Perhaps he was as curious as I to what they felt like.

My fingers brushed the water softly, a homey feeling that I have never felt setting within me. A part of me told me that this was where I was meant to be. They were wet but also dry. Soft, yet powerful. Their physical being was a new concept that I wasn't so sure about because they are water. How can the liquid become something that I can't run my fingers through but they definitely had a difficulty to them after a few drops.

"Aberdeen, want to go for a ride before we go back to the house?" His glowing eyes brightened.

Yes. I complied with his wishes and held his head in my hands, putting my forehead against where his vibrant stripe was.

"Your glow is beautiful," I murmured. My steed snorted and nipped towards a few strands of my hair.

Your hair is beautiful as well. My hair? I pulled back and reached for my golden locks, only to find them white and burning with water and glory.

Both of us were quite the sight to see. I felt pride and something else flow into me as I quickly mounted my steed, our movements fluid and anticipated.

And soon, we were in the air, much higher than before because both of us wanted so badly to fly higher than anything. Higher and higher we soared and all too soon, the "ceiling" came closer and closer, warning us with the lava pits above that there was little proximity.

"Aberdeen." We halted in the air, yards away from the earth above us.

I looked below us and reveled in the sight I saw. With the air up here far less suffocating and the landscape not from the point of view of an ant, I watched as Arina became a beautiful city built, it seemed, on a ocean's shore. Not far from Arina was a tall structure that towered above the rest in tan and brown colors. I bet that was the family of the Earth element. On the opposite side of Arina, clouds hid a light white colored building. The family of Air.

The Liquis were near the castle and the Fiers were the last remaining place I could spot. Near one of the lava pits outside of Arina, a large estate was easily visible with vibrant colors of red and black. And the quiet Liquis manor sat nearly surrounded by water.

It was like this place was the balance of the elements of earth. Add steeds, powers, and government to the mix and you have this little under ground Atlantis.

We need to return to the estate my lady. Many will spot us if we stay too long. We will look like a star to them and they have never seen the stars. I knew what he meant and I was feeling a bit exhausted. I nodded and reluctantly, on both of our sides, returned to the ground, right behind the manor. Once Aberdeen's hooves brushed the grass near the back door, his glow and my own diminished and we were cast into darkness.

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