Chapter 1

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Only when I am swimming do I feel truly alive. When I am out of the water, I feel like I might fall apart. I used to blame it on the water. The homey feeling it had. Its protective and comforting closeness.

"Slow down Arina or your going to wear yourself out." I didn't listen and pushed ever faster through the currents. Our swim coach thinks I am naturally a fish and can't wait to put me in competitions. But one thing frightens her-the way I take to water like a natural fish. She has never seen someone like me with as much speed in the water or spirit for the difficult liquid.

When I felt the wall under my finger tips, I brought my feet up to the wall, twisted and headed back the way I just came by pushing off the tiled surface. I put my arms out and my feet together and flapped through the water like a butterfly. Cheers and whispers could be heard as I popped above the water for a quick intake of oxygen. To say it felt nice would be lying. I don't like taking breaths of the intoxicating air anymore than trying to make a fork float.

As I felt my final lap come to an end, I felt the urge to spring forwards faster than I have before. I channeled into a deeper side of myself that I haven't really figured out yet and felt my body fly forwards. Louder cheers could be heard as the wall appeared under my fingers. I stopped my body and removed the tight swim goggles.

Coach sauntered over to me and kneeled down, her pants just above the water, and put my time in front of my face. To do 4 laps of different styles, it took me:


I smiled up at her as I believe I had just broken the school's and quite possibly the olympic record for fastest time by myself.

I climbed out of the water and took off my swim cap, my long blonde hair falling onto my shoulders and down to my lower back. I walked over to my chair and grasped my towel as coach went up to the anxious team. They were like fans half the time.

"2:85:78," she said. Shouts and cheers echoed throughout the pool area. I wrapped myself in my blue towel just before I was crowded by the entire swim team.

Their excited faces and bright eyes were enough to let a small grin escape onto my lips.

"I feel like a shark given a treat for breathing." My thoughts dragged me away from the crowd around me as my mind wandered back to the water. It was my home, not the little cottage by the ocean my 'parents' had gotten. They never let me go near the ocean because they think the ocean will take away their gift. So I joined the swim club so I could be in water. So I could feel at home.

"Alright, alright. Don't suffocate the poor girl. Arina, why don't you go and get dressed. Practice is nearly over and you already made your goal and more, so.."

"Sure thing coach." I meandered through the crowd to the locker room where I changed from my school swim suit to my normal clothes.

A white flowing dress that reminded me of the white if sea foam, small white flipflops and to make sure nothing underneath could be seen, a much tighter white dress that clung to my body. Living on the beach in South Carolina, its hot most days so we dress pretty cooly here.

I walked from the locker room, not really caring for my hair because it will just get bad again. My locker was just next to the exit of the school so I went and collected my light blue bag with my school work inside.

For reasons unknown, my parents had bought me a car when I was about 15 so that I could drive myself when I was able. So reaching into my bag, I pulled out my keys and unlocked the vehicle.

It's white handle was soft and warm as I opened my door and climbed in. The leather seats had a very welcoming heat but unwelcomed stickyness. As my body stayed on the material longer, the more it would stick and hurt to move.

My fingers put the key in the ignition and turned as my little car purred to life.

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