Chapter 14

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Clearence's voice rang out loudly in the darkened silence.

"My lady, are you back?" Did I want to answer? I guess I would have to.

"Yes, Clearence, we are back." The sound of shuffling footsteps followed after my words. Before I knew it, I was ushered quickly into the mansion and up to my room where light finally existed. Hushed whispers became louder the further into my room we went and when I was set down on my bed, I knew that what awaited me was going to be quite difficult.

"My lady, do you even understand why we finally brought you back to this dangerous world? We brought you back here to reclaim the throne stolen from you and your house." Irritation rang out in his voice loud and clear. So I guess mentioning the guy from before would not be a wise idea.

"I do not think you understand the severity of your situation. If anyone found out you were still alive or that you were staying here, all of us would perish. Our sacrifices would be for naught. And you my lady would be publicly executed to show dominance for the Fiers. They wouldn't hesitate to strike you down!" If that was true, then why didn't that Fier kill me when he heard my name and while I asked so many questions about the houses of Arina.

"Clearance, I needed a moment to breathe. Away from the remains of my house and the stress of having to overtake another house for the sake of reclaiming the throne." I felt myself begin to shut down towards him. Yes I know that he was only trying to tell me that I wasn't being safe in this land I had once called home.

I know that I am from another time but in reality, I had always grew knowing that I was different. I bet even my class mates are wondering where I was. How about my parents?

A frown decorated my face as I stood and went over to my closet full of clothes and opened the thin door, deciding what I should wear to bed.

"I realize that this must be difficult for you take on such a task but for the sake of your deceased parents, should you not at least attempt to take back their throne?" My head snapped to his and for the first time in my life, I felt my body move on its own as it strode up to him, still covered in the cloak and the men's clothing of this place. I stood less than a foot from him, my size only shorter by a few inches.

"Cleaeance. From now on, I would appreciate it if you would not speak of my parents. I came from the surface to help people that I don't really know and face an opponent that I cannot see and do it within the time needed before these Fiers get any stronger. Yet I am only a 16 year old girl who just got her permit and was ready to make a new record for the world's fastest swimmer. I do not like the tone you use with me as if speaking down upon me. If I am a princess, then it should be I giving orders not the other way around." I took a much needed breath and stood as strait as I could, steely eyed as I showed him that I was not going to back down.

A grin crossed his face as he put his hand over his heart and bowed to me.

"Yes, my lady. What do you wish right now?" I thought for a moment before I turned away from him and walked over to my wardrobe.

"I wish for a set of men's clothing alongside what I have already. That way if I ever decide to check up on my people, I will be able to do so safely." I swerved on my heel and looked at him again.

"And I also wish for Mary to come and help me change into my night clothes." He finally stood from his bow and nodded his head.

"As you wish my lady. What you have said will be done," he spoke with strength and exited the room, his grey hair lightly bouncing with his steps as his mood seemed to brighten.

Once he closed the door behind himself, I flopped back onto my bed and sighed, unused to giving orders or being demanding. It was unlike me to do such a thing ever.

I was always quiet, following orders from the person in charge but I wasn't expecting to have to become the person giving orders. Actually, with Clearance, I kinda went with it and pointed out things I wanted. I didn't want to be confined by the quiet and dead walls of my old home. I wanted to watch the people I needed to govern eventually.

I would be their queen. Right now, I sit in the position of princess but I would have to take over and become the ruling body of Arina. But how was I supposed to do that when the father of the boy I had seen today was ruling over it with an iron fist.

A few soft knocks echoed from my door and Mary's quiet voice spoke,

"My lady, will you allow me entrance to help you ready for night?" I didn't move from where I lay sprawled out and replied back.

"Go ahead Mary." When she walked in, I'm sure she was expecting someone who was fuming with anger. So shock was written on her face as she noticed my relaxed figure on the bed stretched out.

She closed the door behind her and hurried over to the closet I had left open during my discussion with Clearance and looked through it. She pulled out a few pieces of white clothing and turned towards me, hesitation in her eyes.

"Mary, don't be afraid of me. I just lost it a bit with Clearance and trust me, that was the first time in my life I have ever done that." A small smile came over her face and she quickly began to help me undress and change into my other clothes.

And boy was I glad that a corset did not make itself present. Those things hurt.

"My lady-"

"Please, call me Arina. It helps me remember that my time above the surface was not a dream." Mary nodded and went back to what she was saying before I interrupted her.

"Miss Arina, sir Clearance requested that I tell you that he will search for proper men's clothing and have them into your closet by morning. His only concern is that will you be able to sleep if they make a ruckus?" As she slipped the last of the night clothing onto my tired body, I smiled and sat down on the bed and motioned to her to do the same.

Instead of taking a seat where I had put my hand, she pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat in it so that she could watch me.

"Close enough. Anyways, I want to tell you that I am a heavy sleeper. Want to hear a funny story on how I know this?" She giggled and gave a curt nod.

"I had been having a hard day of swimming practice, and had worked myself for almost four hours non-stop. I was tired to say the least. And so when I got home, I laid down and fell asleep. However, since dinner was supposed to be right after I got home, my mom tried to wake me up but said that she didn't get any change in me. My father tried to shake me and scare me awake but none of that happened. I said asleep and woke up the next morning with my parents being the tired ones." I was giggling to myself but Mary looked like she had just told me that I had played with ghosts.

"Your mother and father, my lady?" It hit me that she thought that I was talking about my birth parents.

"Oh, sorry Mary. I'm talking about the people who raised me up on the surface. I refer to them as my parents because they were the only parent figures I had growing up." A sigh escaped her lips and her body seemed to relax.

"What were they like if you don't mind me asking?" I finally had a cool friend here and I was able to tell her about my real life up on the surface. Not lies.

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