Chapter 15

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I sat there on my bed and told my hand maiden all about my life on the surface. How I was on the swim team and that for my birthday this past year, my adoptive parents saved up to buy me a new car.

"What is a car?" I thought for a moment about it and how to describe a zooming raging vehicle of death.

"It has four wheels, an engine, a steering wheel, and doesn't go anywhere unless you want it too."

"What is an engine or steering wheel? Here we have none of that but we do have horse carriages. Are cars like carriages?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Kinda. The difference between a car and a carriage is that cars do not move with the help of horses and that the steering wheel is like the reigns that control where you go. Also, a car goes much faster."

"How much faster?" Her quick response surprised me and I tried to describe the speed one of those four wheeled demons.

"A horse in full run can not even match how fast the car goes." Her eyes lit up and her smile seemed to spread like a virus as it slid onto my face too. She must like speed.

"Amazing my lady. To have lived in such a different world, I wish I too could go there."

I reminded myself that she was a normal servant girl here in this world thrown back in time and I am the product of years of technology and advanced medical research. She has never seen the sun, known our solar system exists, and even had a tan. Could you get a tan from lava pits?

"I wouldn't say it is amazing but simply a different world. They have many things that this world does not and if I can help it, I will find a way to get you guys up to the normal world. They are much more advanced and even have some things that you will not believe exist." Her face lit up as if I had told her that I was taking her to the above world right now.

"Like what my lady?" I knew she would ask that and I tried my best to describe the things coming to mind.

"Well, we have something called internet. It is something that connects every person from all over the world to one another, similar to cell phones." She nearly fell off of the bed.

"Everyone?" I nodded. They deserved to know of the world outside of this underground bubble.

"Well my lady, the other world you grew up in seems like a world full of wonderful things. I cannot wait to see the world on the surface." She sounded like Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Even though she was just a handmaiden, she had such a nice personality.

"It really is Mary. It is a world I have come to know and understand. Being pulled away from it just seemed a little much for me. Although I doubt I would have ever been ready for all of this." I looked down at my hands and played with the bed covers for a moment. Warm hands covered mine.

"It is okay your highness. We are all here for you if you ever need anything and it helps to be able to talk to someone who understands. I believe sir Clarence has been to the surface before. You may talk to him if you wish." I looked up with wide eyes. Clarence has been to the surface? When?

"When was he at the surface?" She shook her head and stood.

"I am afraid I cannot say. Sir Clarence doesn't know that I know of this. Very few know that a world other than our own exists. If it wasn't for having to clean up the war room after their meetings, then even I would be blind to the existence of the surface."I looked at the depth in her eyes, the slight fear of power and the wildness of a young foal swimming within them. Other than her hair, she could almost pass as me. Maybe she could go up to the surface and be me.

"Mary, why don't you head to the surface for me? In my place, you could be my parent's child. You could live the life I had planned for me once upon a time." I looked back down at my hands, wishing I could see them once more. At least before I head first into the danger of this world. Just my being here is dangerous to the Liquis followers that are still loyal to my family.

Mary's gentle hands grasped my own tightly as quiet tears streamed down her face. I pulled her to me in a tight hug. She is like a little sister to me almost. The little sibling I had always wanted but never got to have.

"I cannot take your place my lady. I wouldn't know the first thing to being on the surface." I squeezed her a bit tighter, a little squeak erupting from her mouth.

"You can, and you will. Ready only the most valuable possessions you have and be ready within the hour. I will take you to the surface."


She took very little time to grab what she did. She had a small sack that had very small items in it and her servants clothes.

I shook my head and held out the dress I had worn from the surface out to her. Mary took it and slipped out of the clothes she had been in and traded it for the white one I had worn.

"Here is the story for when we arrive. If they ask who you are, then you are Arina and you had went for a swim and lost your way. The reason your hair is darker is because of the salt in the water. It changed it and now that is just the color it will stay. They won't ask anything else. At least, I hope so." Once she was fully dressed in what used to be mine, I looked at her, the only difference between us our eyes and hair color. She could do it. She could be me. Live the life I wish I still had.

With her future before her, I knew she would live life to the fullest.

Aberdeen? Could you please come here? I am behind the shed outback. My steed took no time in getting there, and I sensed him before I heard his hoof steps.

What is it my lady? When he saw Mary looking like me, he let out a snort of irritation.

What is the meaning if this? Please tell me that you are not planning to run away, my lady Arina. I shook my head at him and put my hand to his forehead over the white streak.

"I worry for my adoptive parents on the surface and wish for them to have a daughter. I was never fitted for life on the surface but Mar- I mean, Arina here will live the life on the surface for me."I gently stroked the stripe that had begun to softly glow.

I do not condone such an action my lady. Sir Clarence would be disappointed that you left without his consent. I fisted my hand on his muzzle and narrowed my eyes.

"I am the head of this court Aberdeen. I will decide what is best for my people, not Clarence." The area around us began to glow brightly from my hair becoming a lantern in the late evening. Mary's soft gasp had me trying to calm down as I am sure she was surprised that her leader's hair was glowing.

I glanced over at her, a bit of fear evident.

"Worry not my double. You will see the surface and know of the wonders of the world before you." I walked to Aberdeen's side and motioned for the girl to come to me. She hesitated only a moment before her small form wearily came next to my steed and I. Aberdeen didn't hesitate to lift a front hoof, allowing me to swing up and onto my steed's back, the feeling so familiar and comfortable.

"Give me your hand," I instructed as I reached down to the girl, her slender hand slipping into my own as she stepped where I had and I helped her onto Aberdeen behind me.

Once she was on, she set her bag between herself and my back and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"To the surface," I said loudly and felt the realness that came with seeing my surface home.

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