Chapter 3

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You could call my room a second ocean if you wish but I would just call it a room. Everything is blue, as I had asked it, and that was why when I set my bag down by my white desk, I jumped onto my bed like it was the water. Water is much softer.

The soft cotton of my bed sheets offered me no comfort as I rolled around, wondering what to wear in front of company. Maybe a light blue dress? A white one? How should I do my hair?

Wait, I never think like this, so why do I feel like something is going to happen tonight?

It depended on the guest coming over as to what I was to wear. A soft, flowy dress or a shirt with pants? No, white bikini with white dress. Keep it normal. I want to seem normal.

But you aren't normal...

That soft little voice said in my mind. And as always, it was right. I swim as if I have wings on my back to glide me swiftly through the water most people detest because of its dangerous and uncomfortable presence. It kills, yes-- but it won't kill me.

The water is like wearing clothes for me; there isn't really any one type of water that will be perfect.

Well, for me there is. Any water that I am in is perfect for me.

I didn't really bother changing since I saw no point except that I wore this all the time anyways.

"Arina, its time to come down dear." My "mother" had come upstairs to fetch me like a dog. I felt somewhat insulted but followed the woman anyways down the wooden steps and into the living room.

I must have been thinking for a long time because ocean blue and white streamers and balloons had been strung about the living room and the deck. Little glowing white lights had been held up by decorating hooks around the pool area leading to inside.

As for guests, many of the family I never really got to know and some of my, I guess you could call closest, friends. Other than that, my "parents" had gone all out.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted. I faked a smile and felt everyone's warm bodies surround mine as they all came to congratulate me at once. I was used to these people crowing me but was it just me or were they closer than normal?

The little hairs on my arms had stood on attention as I found the air in the room a little less accessible than usual.

As if on cue, my "father" had grasped my hand and tugged me gently away.

"Alright, alright. Lets let poor Arina breathe. Now we all know that this nice weather isn't going to hold up for much longer so why don't we go ahead with the cake?" The idea of cake was okay but did not really interest me. These people will eat it for me.

He led me out onto our newly refurbished deck and over to a somewhat tall cake that's candles were being lit by my "mother." And as if there were a chorus of sea gulls around me, all of them began to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me. As my name had been held out, I took in oxygen for my candles. When the song came to an end, the wind picked up as I blew on the candles. Every one of them disappeared and loud thunderous claps of excitement brought me back.

People rushed up to me questioning, "What did you wish for?" To be kind, I smiled and said I couldn't tell or it would come true.

Some people hugged me close as if I would drift out into the sea behind us and others kept back and to themselves as if they were just here for the food.

When everyone had felt the wind pick up, they began to take everything on the deck inside, a storm seeming on the way; though, I don't remember a storm on the radar for another week or so.

People shuffled inside but I remained, my eyes transfixed on the oceans great waves that seemed to be beckoning me to their mighty height.

"Arina, honey, come inside please," my "mother" called from the doorway. I turned to her and was about to oblige when I felt the first drop of the rain from the sky. It was soft against my shoulder, like a tap from a finger, and I felt all of my barriers of keeping myself normal dissolve into the thick humid air around me. That pull towards the waves was no longer a pull, but a burning need that could not be quenched unless I went to it. So I turned from my adoptive mother and went right back towards the very same mass that had brought me into her and her husband's life.

I went towards the sea.

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