Chapter 2

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My adoptive mother Lucy is the kindest person you could ever find. Her soft chocolate hair and mossy green eyes complemented her affinity to the earth she loved to stay on so much.

My adoptive father Anthony was similar with his green eyes but his hair was more of a black than a chocolate. They were the perfect couple in every way.

However, since I was blonde with bright blue eyes, it didn't look too good when people saw me with them.

It was painfully hard to be outside of the house with them, so we never really strayed from our ocean side cottage.

When I arrived, my mother was cooking dinner as my father was due home any moment from work. The screen door closing quite loudly behind me had my mother rushing into the living room to greet me.

"Hello darling. How was meet?" She led me to the kitchen and had me begin to set plates.

"Oh it was okay. I set a new record again in the 100 meter freestyle." He turned towards me with a huge grin like the other members of the swim team had. It made me internally cringing but I replied softly with one of my own.

"What was it this time? 3:45:12 or lower like 3:27:53?" I shook my head at her.

"2:85:78" Her eyes widened as her arms engulfed me in a hug that was somewhat comforting.

"Congradulations dear. That is amazing!" She ranted. A bubbling and sizzling noise came from the stove, saving me from Lucy's awkward embraces.

"Thanks," I said softly as she went back to tending to the cooking.

The purring of an engine had Lucy and I both waiting for the last person to arrive before dinner. Anthony would walk through that door any minute with a special gift for my mother and I. He pursued wood crafting and would never fail to bring us home a small gift every day, whether it be a small animal or our initials.

The screen door squeaked open as the 6'4" man walked in covered in saw dust and a linen bag in his hand. Inside of that white bag was his next gifts to us.

"I'm home my girls. How are you doing today?" I pulled out my homework and set it on the table to show that my day was school, school, and the swimming team. When I met his eyes again, he smiled and understood my gesture. Lucy, however, turned off the stove and bound over to her husband and pecked his lips.

"Arina broke the record again," she rushed out. I almost covered my face with my hands. Again, giving a shark a treat for breathing.

"Woah! How good was it this time huh? 3:45:15 or so?" His face glowed with excitement.

"2:85:78," I spoke nonchalantly like it was nothing. It honestly wasn't. I just swim to keep my skin hydrated and my agility skills in the water sharp.

However, Anthony's face shown great amazement.

"Wow! I guess it's a good thing that i have a good gift for you today since it is special." I frowned. Did I forget something today? Went to school-check. Went to swim meet-check. Brought car home-check. What was I forgetting?

A frown mixed with a smile decorated the couple's faces.

"Don't tell me you forgot Arina," Lucy said as if my forgetting was outrageous.

"Of course not," I said smoothly. Their faces shown relief as I had set their worries at ease.

"Good, cause everyone will be here in a few minutes so go get ready. And make sure you take your things with you." I didn't know how to respond other than to pick up my things and walk to my room.

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