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•• Chapter Three ••

Having a housemate is the worse fucking idea in the world.

It was a lot more noisy with Minho around. It been about a week since he moved in and Jisung has grown more and more annoyed by the minute.

The loud music that he plays in his room, shuffling through the hallways and bumping into things in the middle of the night. Rummaging through the fridge as loud as he possibly can at 2 in the fucking morning.

Not to mention, he's come home completely drunk or high off his ass two nights in a row right before sun rise. This is why he didn't do people.

Jisung's has picked up on what Minhos little habits are. He knew he told Minho to make himself at home, but he had no idea it was going to be so.. loud and unbearable.

Jisung and Minho don't really talk that much, the share good morning and causal small talk about how they slept over a cup of coffee before Jisung had to leave for his first appointment in the mornings.

Minho would scope out more of the house, while Jisung was away. Including entering Jisung's room... which he may have been told not to do.

It's not like he'd touch anything.. well, he would, but he'd put in back in its perfect place.

Jisung had a lot of little things that Minho found intriguing for such a closed off guy like Jisung. A lot of personal items, anything that seemed too personal he would direct his eyes somewhere else.

Minho wanted to know more about the person who had taken him in- since he wasn't an open person, if sneaking into his room was what he had to do, then so be it.

Minho heard a knock on the door and he rushed out of the room. Should he answer it? Would the person eventually go away if he didn't answer?

There was another knock and Minho chose to answer it. Finding the eyes of a short male with dark hair, staring there with his mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Yes?" Minho asked in a curious tone.

"Oh.. Umm. Jisung accidently left on of his shirts in my dryer. I wanted to return it." The man said sheepishly as he continue to give the man a bewildered look.

"Okay. I'll be sure to give it to him." Minho accepted the shirt.

"I'm sorry, but may I ask who are you?"

"I'm Minho?" He stated as if he was questioning his own name, but it was more like he was questioning why the man was asking.

"Oh, are you and Jisung-"

Minho raised and eyebrow at him, waiting for the end of the question. And that's when it clicked, Minho's lips shaped into the "oh" form as he chuckled a little.

"No, I'm just staying here for a little bit." There was a pause. "And who are you?" Since introductions were being made.

"I'm Chan, Jisung's neighbor." Chan said jerking his thumb back to the other side of the hall were his apartment sat across from Jisung's.

"Well, nice to meet you." Minho saluted Chan, who nodded to him and backed off into his apartment.

That was weird, Minho thought while draping Jisung's shirt over the back of the couch.

Minho was tired of being cooped up in this apartment for the past week. So he grabbed the key Jisung had made for him, slipped on his shoes and left, locking the door behind him.

It's time for some fun.

Jisung climbed into his car and sat there for a moment taking in a big breathe. He just released one of his favorite patients to visit. They'd been working together for a little over a a year and a half.

Normally you'd let them go at the one year mark, but she was a different case. She struggled so much that he was reassigned to her for another year, but after each visit she seemed to get better and better.

And today he signed the paperwork to confirm that she no longer needed a social worker. He smiled softly to himself, another person he had managed to help.

He turned the key in the ignition and it roared to life before sitting idle, waiting for Jisung to put it into gear.

He put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot of the office he worked at. Switching to drive, he pulled away from the building and onto the street as he began his way back home.

He wondered if Minho was still at the apartment, he knew that Minho worked but didn't pay attention to the man's work schedule.

Jisung drove with two hands on the wheel, he was always a safe driver. If he were to die, he definitely wouldn't want it to be by car accident.

It didn't take long to get home despite traffic. LA always had bad traffic. Jisung parked in his normal parking spot on the lot, shutting off his car.

The winter season was pitifully weak here for it being mid-January, no need for any coats and barely cold enough for a long sleeve shirt, but the breeze did send chills.

It felt more like late spring. Jisung pulled open the door of the building complex, walking up the stairs to the second floor.

He twirled his keys around in his hand, reaching for the door to find it locked. So Minho wasn't home.

He stuck the key in the deadlock and turned, stepping inside the little apartment and placing his keys on the key-rack by the door.

It felt good for him to be home, and for there to be peace and quiet. He walked to the short hall and reached his bedroom.

But he stopped in his tracks. He has always, always closed his bedroom door before leaving. Even before Minho showed up. So why in the world was it open now?

"I set boundaries for a damn reason." Jisung muttered to himself in Korean. He picked up his phone and scrolled to the most recent contact he added to his phone.

I expect you to be ready to talk
when you come home.

Jisung watched as the delivered receipt changed to read. Minho's bubble popped up for a second like he was typing before it stopped. Completely leaving him on read all together.

Jisung scoffed and tossed his phone on the bed as he plopped down.

Why did he let Felix convince him of this? Cause yea, having a housemate was the worst idea in the world.

•• [A/N]

Being a very personal person myself, I absolutely hate when people rummage through my stuff, especially after telling them not to, and setting boundaries they choose to disregard anyway.

One off my biggest pet peeves.

Anyway, the three chapters for the update are done and published for my wonderful readers to read. Did I do so before the planned date of February 1st, yes, yes I did. Because I'm impatient as hell and days go by way too slow for me.

I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I'll enjoy writing it.

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