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•• Chapter Fifteen ••

Jisung woke up in a tangled mess of bedsheets, last nights events replaying in his head. They didn't go all the way... but damn that man had a way with his mouth.

Minho laid beside him still asleep and arm draped on the pillow beside his head, his shirt missing and there were purplish bruises and marks across his shoulders and ribs. Jisung did that, and he was very proud.

He rolled over to check his phone. It was barely 6 am. How did he manage to wake up at 6 am?

Jisung rolled himself out of bed, knowing he wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep. He walked into the kitchen and he fed Macie before starting a pot of coffee.

He tilted his head back and leaned against the counter. He bit down on his lip as he began replaying the night before.

How needy Minho's began to feel, they way it felt to have Minhos hand wrapped around his neck. Fingertips dragging across his skin as his jeans were unbuttoned. The warmth of Minho's  tongue.

Jisung had always been so used to pleasing others -not just sexually- that he had forgotten what it felt like to be taken care of.

The coffee pot beeped as the final drops drips into the pot. He pulled out the glass holder, one final drop falling onto the heating burner making a small hiss.

He grabbed his favorite mug and poured the dark bitter drink into the ceramic. He mixed in a creamers and spoon after spoon of sugar.

He jumped a little when he felt Minho wrap his arms around his bare waist.

"What are you doing up so early?" Minhos head laid against Jisung's shoulder. His voice full of sleep, deep with the lack of use.

"I just woke up. Knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep." Jisung replied slowly turned himself to be chest to chest.

"Come lay back down with me." Minho playfully tugged Jisung in the direction of the bedroom, not budging Jisung from his spot. Which Jisung found cute and smiled at how badly Minho was clung to him.

"Okay. Okay." Jisung said prying Minhos arms off even though he wanted them to stay. "Let's go lay back down." Jisung picked up his cup of coffee and followed a very tired Minho back to the room.

Jisung's eyes darted to the floor where the pile of their shirt and jeans laid. But he suddenly felt a hint of guilt settle in his stomach. Minho wasn't sober.. and even though Minho initiated the events, Jisung still felt terrible. What if Minho remembers it happened and suddenly feels ashamed and.. what if? What if? What if?

"You okay love, you look like someone ran over Macie." Minho said completely disregarding his previous exhaustion.

"You remember last night?" Jisung asked.

"Yes. Of course I do." Minho walked up to him. Once again hugged his waist and looking down at the boy who had just turned pale.

"That was.. consensual.. right?"

Oh this poor baby. Minhos worried eyes softened and he smiled softly. "Yes, it was. And I would definitely do it again."

"I just wanted to make sure, you weren't.."

"I wasn't exactly sober." Minho said quietly and nodded as he had come to the realization of why Jisung had asked that specific question.

Jisung set down his coffee on his end table and sat on the edge of the bed, watching as Minho observed him.

"Okay. Do you want to set a boundary?" Minho asked, sitting down next to the younger and placing a hand on the Jisung's thigh.

"What kind?"

"The No-sexy-shit-unless-we-are-both-sober kind." Minho's small smile comforted Jisung. "Cause if you aren't comfortable with anything otherwise, neither am I."

"Okay." Jisung nodded and curled into Minho's side, hugging him. "I think that's an appropriate boundary."

Minho rested his mouth on the top of Jisung's head and placed kisses where it rested before tackling him down to the bed and cuddling him.

Jisung accepted the form of love and laid there with Minho fell back asleep. He stroked Minhos dark hair and stared at the older in a dream like state.

He kept smiling to himself and thinking all the thoughts that newborn lovers do. Butterflies and the giddy feeling in his stomach never fading as he replayed the thoughts over and over.

He eventually let his coffee grow cold not wanting to move and wake Minho again, so he just laid there half awake but unable to go back to sleep.

Jisung repositioned his head on the pillow and traced his fingers up and down Minhos arm that rested across his waist.

Then all of a sudden the butterflies died as he remembered the stranger outside the are studio.

The chocolate toned man that seemed to enjoyed pouncing from the shadows. Watch yourself doll. Wild ones can't be tamed.

It wasn't true was it? Minho wasn't a wild animal. Even if he was, that's who he was and Jisung appreciated that. He didn't need to tame him. He didn't own the man.

Was it a warning? Was it a hint towards something Jisung didn't know. A secret of Minhos that he hadn't uncovered?

Jisung laid there restless. His mind burning holes into himself, with questions that had no answer. Questions he couldn't bare to ask.

Did the man know Minho? Was the a relation to what he said?

Wild and reckless, typically means harmful and unloyal. Untamable.

Jisung shouldn't be creating a puzzle for himself he knows he won't be able to finish, or won't stop until he does.

How does he stop the thoughts? No matter how hard he tries to keep the good ones going his mind always reverts back.

Over and over and over again.

How does he stop them?

Wild ones can't be tamed.



Here's the update! Next chapter is going to be filling introducing the man in the shadows. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride from here loves.

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