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•• Chapter Twenty-Nine ••

- He talks about you like you put stars in the sky.
He looks at you like that too. -

It's been weeks. Jisung was currently going to therapy twice a week to help him along with his healing process because Chan had connections. His appointments were on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 am.

Chan was still staying with him, even though his apartment was just across the hall. Which Chan could easily come check on him. But Chan has become more and more protective over the boy, which gave Jisung a bigger sense of security.

Minho was still gone and Jisung was coming to terms with it. He was moving on, they were over.

His wound was now only a scar, and he was slowly starting to be open about leaving the house for more than just therapy.

Chan was sitting in the waiting room, watching the clock tick time away. He's been in there for 30 minutes, lately his sessions have been getting shorter and shorter. They use to be two hours when he first started.

He wouldn't be surprised if the therapist changed the sessions to once a week. He gave it about ten more minutes before Jisung walked out the door to greet him with a smile.

Just then Jisung hopped out the door with a smile. Guess ten minutes was a little bit too much.

"Hey!" Chan stood. "I was thinking we could grab lunch?" He was asking permission, a habit he picked up when it came to everything including Jisung.

Jisung happily nodded. "That why I came out sooner. Dr. Thomas kept hearing my stomach growl at me."

"Okay! Where would you like to eat?" Chan asked as they walked out of the building towards his car.

"Oh! Can we get Jack in the Box? I haven't been there in forever!"

"Can do." Chan smiled as Jisung practically skipped to the car, leaving Chan in the dust. Chan couldn't help but have a huge smile on his face.

There was one thing wrong though. He just couldn't shake his feelings for the younger. He planned on telling him about them tonight. And if that messed things up... so be it.. but he couldn't go another day in silence.

"Chaaaaaan! Unlock the carrrr!" Jisung screamed to him from the passengers seat door. Chan held his keys out and clicked the unlock button.

Once he climbed into the car, he turned to Jisung and let out a breath. "I need to talk to you about something tonight."

"Is it bad?" Jisung's eyes held curiosity, "you not leaving are you?"

Chan could hear the joking tone behind Jisung's voice but he knew deep down there was worry behind those questions.

"No. Never. It's not bad. It's just something on my mind." Chan turned the car on and pulled out of the lot, driving to the closest Jack in the Box.

"Well we can talk about it over lunch then. Fr. Thomas says it's not good to keep things bottled up." Jisung batted his eyelashes at Chan, causing both of them to giggle but that only made Chan more anxious. Gave him less time to prepare how he was gonna say it.

Honestly, Jisung could say that over the past few weeks him and Chan have gotten closer than he was with Felix. And Jisung and Felix were childhood friends.

"Look at you listening to your therapist." Chan pointed out a small step Jisung was making.

"You made me do it. I haven't thanked you enough for all you've done." Jisung said, his stomach growling a little more.

𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 & 𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 | 𝙱.𝙲 - 𝙷.𝙹 - 𝙻.𝙼Where stories live. Discover now