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•• Chapter Twenty ••

Jisung and Minho arrived home later in the night then originally expected. The first thing he did was discard the blazer jacket and throw it somewhere on the couch, then kicked off his shoes.

Jisung was full of little giggles as he was tipsy, champagne typically was a happy drink for him. He watched as Minho followed Jisungs previous actions, blazer then shoes.

Jisung went to run away from Minho's grasp but failed epically as he was swooped back, feet lifted of the ground slightly as Jisung tried to use his weight. Still no luck.

Minho just stood there, holding him and waiting until the boy quickly grew tired of trying to escape him.

Minho snuggled his nose into the crook of Jisung's neck, taking in the smell of salted coconut and mahogany. He never would've thought that a cologne would make him feel so weak. But it did, and it was Jisung's smell.

Jisung relaxed against Minho, they were back to front. A position they often found themselves in, whether purposely or accidental.

"Tonight was fun." Jisung said turning around to face Minho.

"Yea?" Minho's smile only grew wider as Jisung nodded. Jisung arched away from Minho a little bit, but didn't leave his embrace.

"Yes, I loved every second. Not to mention, how talented Hyunjin is as well." Jisung cocked his head playfully to the side as the small of his back pressed against the couch. Minho holding him there with his arms.

"Eh, he's decent." Minho made a joke, only because he didn't want Hyunjin to steal his compliments.

Jisung laughed and let his head fall forward lightly, his forehead resting on Minho's chest.

"Jisung?" Minho whispered, causing the younger to look up.


Minho looked down at his lover with hooded eyes and parted lips. His hand slowly moved up resting on the side of Jisung's neck as his thumb caressed the jawbone.

Minho couldn't ask the words he wanted to, not with Jisung staring up at him like that. Minhos thumb slowly circled around to the other side of Jisung's neck, grasping slightly tighter.

Jisung took in a hitched breath at the sudden tease.

"Can I take you?" Minho asked, leaving Jisung slightly confused.

"T-take me? Where?" Jisung fumbled on his words.

"Wherever I want and however I want." Minho was still waiting for permission and it had suddenly just dawned on Jisung what he meant. His eyes widened and his knees weakened. What has gotten into Minho?

Minho wasn't the kind of person that depended on any sort of sexual contact for a 'healthy' relationship. He didn't believe sex was mandatory for that, neither did Jisung but it was bit harder since Jisung's love language was physical touch and that falls under such a category.

"You can tell me no." Minho said slightly backing down as he noticed Jisung seemed to be in a train of thought.

Jisung wanted to test it. "No."

Minho simply smiled and kissed Jisung on the forehead and respected the line place. Minho did however scoop Jisung into his arms and carry him around and onto the couch, leaving the younger in his lap as he turned on the tv.

"Wait.." Jisung said, full of adoration and pride.

"What love?" Minho said, slightly glancing down at Jisung before trying to find a movie on the tv.

"You actually meant that?" Jisung said. He was studying Minho's body language and reaction. He suddenly turned very surprised when he noticed that Minho didn't seem angry or upset at all.

Minho began smoothing out Jisung's hair and tried playing with it.

"Yes, wha-" Minho quickly caught on and his heart stopped, his breathing stopped. His chest aches and burned. "Baby.. sit up please."

Jisung listened and watched at Minho sat the remote down, focusing all his attention on him.

"Did Seungmin... force you?" Minho, from what he understands, Jisung's only ever had one other real boyfriend.

"What? No! He didn't ever- no." Jisung seemed to struggle with saying the words, but Minho tried to just chalk it up to it being classic Jisung stumbling over his own words. "He would just get upset when I told him no sometimes, and it got to the point where I just stopped saying no."


"Cause I didn't like him being upset. If you think I'm bad about my needs for physical affection, he was 20 levels above me. He needed all of it."

Yes, Jisung knew that technically Seungmin didn't need it. But he was still understanding, Seungmin had a troubled childhood that made him so needy. Maybe trauma wasn't an excuse, may it was. Who is anybody to judge what we've been through and how we cope.

Though, it was probably Seungmins fault for Jisung thinking he was so deprived affection before all this. And especially why the first time Minho every even touched him it sparked something.

"Can we stop prying into my past relationship and sex life, please and thank you?" Jisung said, now slightly uncomfortable that the conversation topic at hand was sex with his ex.

Jisung's pried his phone out of his jacket, twirling it around in his hands for a few moments whilst he waiting for Minho to stop looking at him so concerned as if he was staring at a victim. Jisung wasn't a victim. He stopped saying no willingly, he placed himself in that position.

The more he defended it in his head the longer Minho seemed to look at him, as if reading his thoughts.

"Why are you staring?" Jisung asked.

"Why do you shut down every time the topic at hand is your past?"

"I don't shut down." Jisung defended.

"You're avoiding it." Minho said.

"That's not shutting down, there's a difference." Jisung claimed in an all-knowing tone, causing Minho to smile slightly.

"You know what I mean, you brat." Minho playfully flicked Jisung's shoulder.

"I know and I'm sorry." Jisung said setting his phone down in the arm of the couch. "I just... out of all the things I have healed from, there are certain parts back there that I don't know how to recover from."

"And bringing them up only hurts more. I know." Minho finished Jisung's thoughts and pulled him into a hug. "I'm done pushing, talk to me when you're ready."

Jisung nodded and settled against Minho. Minho looked at Hisungs phone screen as it lip up in reminder that he has received a message.

"You got a message, wanna look at it?"

"It's probably nothing important." Jisung reaced for his phone an swiped if out the screen without looking at the tag. "I just want to keep cuddling you."

Minho pulled Jisung with him as he laid down on the couch. Jisung's head now resting on his chest.

He felt a gut wrenching feeling try to slither its way into his heart, but he shoved it down.

He understood what Jisung meant. He too, had parts of his pass that he didn't want to talk about. That he didn't want Jisung to know.

Because what Jisung doesn't know won't kill him. Right?



Sorry for taking so long to update! It's been a busy week! But here you go! I'll be posting Madly's update next!

LOVE AND AFFECTION JUST HIT 12K!!!! Thank you guys so much 🥹

I love you all dearly and hope you are all doing okay. Take care of yourselves!

Til next update lovelies!

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