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•• Chapter Twenty-Six ••

Jisung was currently in the ER. Room 36. He had received stitches for his cut. It was so deep the doctors feared an artery had been severed due to the amount of blood loss. But he's stable now. Still now awake though.

Minho hadn't been allowed to enter the ambulance because he was under the influence, and Chan was escorted to the police station for assault so Hyunjin had gone with.

Hyunjin was currently on the phone with one of his lawyers trying to help get Chan out of trouble. Beating the shit out of someone's rapist doesn't seem like breaking the law. Especially since we all knew Chan was in love with the boy and he was doing out of defense.

He's asexual not aromantic.

Hyunjin looked over to where Minho sat. Nurses flooded past him with clipboards or carts needed taken to other sections of the hospital. But he didn't notice anything.

He was completely out of it. If sadness and worry has a fragrance, he was wearing it. Along with the stench of alcohol and cigarettes.

He's lucky I was able to convince the doctors not to drug test him. There's no telling was floating around in his system right now.

"Hyunjin?!" My lawyer yelled through the phone line.

"Oh shit. Sorry. What were you saying?"

"I managed to squeeze him out with just a warning, the department is pissed though. No jail time, and surprisingly a still clean record."

"Okay good. Can you bring him to the hospital? Jisung will want him here when he wakes." Hyunjin asked, to that he heard his lawyer sigh a hefty sigh, but he still agreed.

Hyunjin hung up the phone. Chan's name was already on Jisung's patient records for visitors, Jisung must've added that sometime before. Hyunjin had to bust his ass to add him and Minho without confirmation from Jisung. But he managed.

Hyunjin slightly chuckled to himself, the shit he could get away with by pulling a few simple strings.

"Mr. Hwang? Mr. Lee?" Jisung's current doctor approached the two in the hall. Minho and Hyunjin stood at attention. "He's awake, but he's showing signs of minor amnesia, most likely due to trauma. I'm unsure of what all he remembers."

"Shit." Hyunjin cursed under his breath.

"Just be cautious with him and choose your words wisely." The doctor said before escorting the both of them into the room.

Jisung was currently having a blood pressure bump wrapped around his arm. His eyes were wide and bewildered, like a child who had no idea what was going on. Which he probably didn't.

Jisung's eyes found Hyunjin and he smiled, leaving Hyunjin relieved. "Hey." He said softly sitting down on the bed next to the younger. "How are you feeling?"

"Strange. My chest tingles and my head feels funny, but the nurse said it's from the pain meds. What happened?"

Hyunjin looked stumped and looked to the nurse for help on what to say, but she wasn't paying attention to the conversation.

"It was an accident." Hyunjin just wanted to reassure him. If his mind was blocking it, there was a reason for it.

"Jesus Hyunjin, don't bullshit him!" Minho was getting worked up, you could hear it in his voice that was due to him sobering up. "Tell him! He was r-"

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