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I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us - Solaris

"Another one?" Wonyoung asked, clearly annoyed.

Minju only smiled and pocketed the piece of paper. She had been receiving romantic and love notes for a few months now. She would always find them in the weirdest places; her locker, her bag, inside her favorite book in the library and even by her bedroom window still or under her desk. She even found one inside the pizza box when she went out to eat with her friends. As hard as she tried to find out who it was, she never had a clue and to be honest, she liked the mystery.

"Come on Min! That can't be healthy, you're rejecting real life guys for some guy that keeps sending you creepy love notes," Yuri added.

"They're not creepy!" Minju exclaimed, "They're cute and romantic," She said.

"Someone is in loveeee," Yena sang.

"That's ridiculous Yena, she can't be in love with someone she's never even met. She doesn't know this guy, for all she knows he could be a 50 year old pedophile," Yuri replied.

"I argree with Yul," Wonyoung said. "You don't even know what he looks like, he could be another Austin Mahone for all you know."

"Shut up Wony, you're just agreing with Yuri cause you wanna get laid tonight. He's not 50 year old pedophile and he's not another Austin Mahone. He's a romantic and cute guy who's genuinely into me and cares. He also goes to our school, of that I'm sure." Minju said. "As a student."

"How do you know he goes here?" Yena curiously asked.

"Because he's sent me notes through my favorite book, means he knows me," Minju replied with a cheesy smile.

"He's a stalker," Yuri muttered.

"Well I like him and I like the notes and that's all the matters."

"Whatever floats your boat Bunny." Wonyoung sighed.

"I think it's cute and this person obviously cares deeply for you," Yujin stepped in, "I think you should keep the boat float," She winked. The two best friends smiled at each other and walked to their next class with intertwined hands. Yujin blushed furiously.


Minju's POV

I was in English class but all I could think about was my mystery guy and the notes; why couldn't I get him out of my head....

I looked to my right and I saw Yujin, my BESTFRIEND, getting up from the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked with a chuckle. Yujin didn't even look at me when she replied.

"I dropped my phone, I was just picking it up" Weird... Her phone was on her desk the whole time. Whatever.

I reached into my bag that was on the floor to get my book when I felt a piece of paper fall from the pocket. Another one.

If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I would pick the moment I met you. -Solaris.

I could feel my face heat up and tears make its way down.

"What do you get there Juliet?" I heard Yujin ask. I turn to her and smile so big that it makes my face hurt.

"I got another note," I said. "Look," I showed her the note. Yujin read through it and smiled back at me.

"So, you've met this person already," She said. Hmm I never thought about it, but it must be true for him to say that.

"What do you think SOLARIS stands for?" I asked quietly. "Maybe that guy Peter from science? He always wants to be in my group for projects?" I asked again.

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