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"It's been you all along..." Minju whispered.

"Minju, l-let me e-explain, I can, I'll explain I just I know t-that I sh-should've-" Yujin stuttered but spotted abruptly when she felt soft lips on her.

She widened her eyes and saw Minju kissing her, the brunette had her eyes closed and was moving her hands through Yujin's dark locks.

The green eyed girl let herself go and just let it happen. She placed her hands on the smaller girl's hips and pulled her forward, flush against her.

Minju moaned through the kisses and scratched at Yujin's dragonfly tattoo while feeling Yujin slightly grinding against her.

Minju lowered her hand and palmed Yujin's bulge. She could feel her panties damped right there and then. She knew Yujin was enjoying it because she could feel little twitches every now and then.

With a deep moan, Minju pulled away and dropped her knees. She looked up at Yujin who had her eyes clenched tightly.

When Yujin realized what Minhu was doing, she quickly opened her eyes and flinched away. "Wh-what are d-doing Min?"

Minju grabbed Yujin's belt loops and pulled her back. She took off her shirt and stood in front of Yujin.

"What are you d-doing?" Yujin asked worriedly at Minju's actions.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Yujin would you just shut the hell up for five seconds!"

Yujin nodded defeatedly and stood still. Minju placed her shirt over her eyes, blinding her.

"Please don't."

"Don't like it huh? Though luck, It's my turn."

Yujin felt herself hardened at the lowered voice of her best friend. She could feel a bread of pre cum leak into her boxer when she felt Minju biting her neck.

"I'm going to get back for Every. Single. Thing. You did to me," Minju husked, biting between each word.

"Starting with the flindfold and hickeys," Minju kept sucking and nipping at Yujin's neck and the younger girl thrust her hips into Minju's body, needing some sort of friction between them.

Minju laughed and moved away. She got down on her knees againg and unbulked Yujin's pants. She pulled them down and gripped Yujin's member through her boxers.

"Hmm, oh god let me take this off," The green eyed girl moaned, moving to remove the shirt but Minju quickly grabbed her arms and hummed in denial.

The brunette took a tentative look at the harden in front of her and looked up straight away, wanting to see the look on Yujin's face. She wasn't disappointed,  the taller girl had her mouth open and brow furrowed. Minju let go of her hands and dropped her boxers, freeing Yujin's erection.

She was in awe. She felt herself soaking her panties at thesight. Minju reached forward and engulfed the tip in her mouth, sucking harshly, eliciting a loud moan from the girl above her.

"Oh my - fuck Minju, please not too hard, I've never done this before." Yujin pleaded.

Minju realized this as well and softened up, she wanted to punish Yujin for doing this but she didn't want to hurt her.

She engulfed the rest of Yujin's dick until her nose hit the girl's abdomen and almost gagged. She quickly retracted her mouth and went back in. She moved back and forth for a while until she felt Yujin squirm above her.

Yujin let her hands rest on the brunette's hair and gripped it hard when she felt herself tighten. "Min.... If you d-don't stop I'll-"

Yujin fronted and pulled Minju's head closer to her crotch and came hard, spurting hot come down her best friend's throat. She felt Minju gag at the feel and shot a few ropes inside with a loud moan.

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