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"So yah, me and Minju are dating," Yujin admitted.

They had gotten showered and ready, separately and headed downstairs to try and explain to Yujin's mom what exactly she had walked in on.

"Wow," Dara sighed. "So your brother wears pants tighter than my leggings, your sister was wearing boy clothes and you're the one that came out gay... Interesting." She mused.

"Really mom? I tell you that I basically catfished Minju and that's the only thing you come up with?" Yujin asked.

"Oh come on sweetheart, anybody with eyes could see that you only had yours for that girl."

Minju blushed and held Yujin's hand tighter.

"Yeah, anybody but her," The green eyed muttered, looking at her best friend.

"Okay lovers, go to school already. Minhu, were you the one to do that to Yujin?" Dara asked pointing to her daughter's neck.

Minju nodded, scared of what Jisoo's  mother would say.

"Okay, please don't do it again, apart from the fact that it looks tacky, it's also dangerous, it can cause serious health proble,s. Aside from that, Yujin, you're no longer grounded. I'll see you later and please make a good choices."

Yujin smiled widely and thanked her mother. She kept a hold of Minju's hand and the two left the house, driving to school together.

"Stop looking at me," Minju chuckled.

They were driving to school at every turn and at a red light and stop sign, Yujin would peek at the younger girl.

"I can't," She muttered.

Minju looked back at her and sent her a shy smile.

"Are you ready?" Minju asked when they arrived at the school.

"I should be asking you that, everybody knows how gay I am."

"Would everybody stop saying stuff about me being gay, the only reason I'm worrying right now is because of what people will say about me dating you. Not about dating a girl. Does that make sense?"

"Not really," Yujin chuckled. "But come on," She took Minju's hand and walked them inside the building.

As expected, some people ogled at them and some
stared. Some didn't say anything, thinking that friends would normally act the same way.

"Yo!" Yuri shouted, approaching them.

"Hi Yul" They said at the same time, looked at each other and giggled.

"Ew. You two are even in sync. Goodbye."

Yujin raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Okay, that was weird. Why do you think she came here?"

Minju shrugged and closed her locker. "Probably wanted to know why people were talking. Come on, we have English together."


"I don't want to go," Yujin moaned

"It's only for two hours and then you'll see me in the car later."

"I know, but I still don't want to go." Yujin groaned.

Minju grinned and kissed Yujin softly. 'I'll see you later."

"See you later," Yujin smiled watching the older girl walk away.

Monju didn't even need to turn around to know what Yujin's doing. "And stop staring at my butt!" She shouted

Yujin blushed furiously at being caught out and walked inside her classroom.


"Can I take you somewhere?" Yujin asked Minju when they entered the car, ready to leave the school.

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