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"You said this shit would wash off!" Yujin yelled into the phone.

"It will, just rinse it again and use that shampoo I got you."

Yujin groaned and hung up, heading back to the shower. She was too busy worrying that she didn't hear the bedroom opening



Yujin started panicking. Minju couldn't be here, her hair was still fucking silver and she was sure she'd left the mask from last night on the floor somewhere.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Just a sec. Min!" She shouted.

Yujin prepared herself to come clean to Minju. The smaller girl would obviously see the mask and then her hair and make sense of everything. There would be no point in lying to her anymore. With a deep breath and a towel around her head, she left the bathroom adjoining her bedroom.

"Minju, I can explain..."

Minju turned to look at her and furrowed her eyebrows. "Explain what?"

That's when Yujin noticed that Minju wasn't the only one in the room. Her brother, Taehyung, was there too and was sitting close to Minju. Too close.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Umm, not much just wanted to see what you were up to sis," He explained. Yujin was confused, her brother was never in her room and never wanted to associate himself with her while her friends were around, so why did he act like this all of sudden...

"Okay... Well, can you leave so Minju and I can talk?"

Taehyung widened his eyes and looked from his sister to Minju. "Oh! Um, actually Yuj, do you mind if we talk?" He asked, looking at Minju, "Alone?"

Minju got the hint and told Yujin she would wait downstairs for her.

"What the hell is your problem?" Yujin asked her brother.

"My problem!? What's yours?" That's when Yujin noticed the mask in his hand.


"Yeah Minju, 'oh' is right! Did you seriously think you could go to a masked party and make out with your best friend without getting recognized?" Yujin's almost left the socket "Dude I saw you there! And I have no idea what kind of bullshit you told Minju but I'm guessing it had something to do with our fam cause her jaw almost hit the ground when she saw me there."

"Minju saw you at the party? Fuck!" Yujin sighed dramatically and fell onto the bed. "You cannot tell her dude," She said.

"I won't, but be careful next time! I knew you wouldn't have told her, so I barged in here before she could see this," He waved the mask around.

"Thanks." Yujin said truthfully.


Okay that was weird. Yujin thought.

She waited patiently for the Ahn siblings to finish their conversation so she could talk to Yujin. She had so much to tell her.

"Hey, sorry about that, my brother's a tool," Yujin explained, walking towards the couch.

"It's fine, I actually really wanted to talk to you, though, urgently."

Yujin had a liking for what Minju wanted to talk about so she didn't say anything.

"Are you doing anything later?" Minju asked.

"Actually, I can't do anything today, my parents sort of got on my case because I let Taehyung go to that party last night."

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