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"Sweetie wake up, you're going to be late."

Minju groaned. She was not in the mood to go to church and out on a good girl facade. "Mom I'm sick!" She yelled out. Luckily, CL was very gullible and very late and didn't argue with her.

After hearing the door slam, she went downstairs to grab some breakfast. She refused to believe what happened last night and occupied her mind with other things.

The brunette felt her phone buzz under her leg and went to check it. It read SOLARIS she quickly locked it again and placed it face down without reading the message.

Her thoughts went back to last night and as much as she tried to forget it, she simply couldn't. What kind of person lets somebody duck them while blindfolded? She started crying and wondering how she could have been so stupid.

The worst thing is that she gave this person a consent to do whatever he pleased so it wasn't even real or anything of the like. And she liked it. That thought alone caused her to sob into the couch pillow.

Minju started thinking back to the times she had received notes or messages and how felt about them. She liked them.

Could it have been Yujin? Her mind kept wandering back to that ring. She was sure she felt it when her admirer was caressing her cheek. It felt the exact same on Yujin's hand. Minju was going crazy trying to put pieces back together. Surely her best friend couldn't do that to her, how could she... Nope. Minuu was sure it didn't have Yujin. It couldn't have. But she definitely knew who it was.

Monday rolled around too fast for her liking. She knew she would walk through the hallways and face somebody who's had sex with her. But whom?

The bell rang and Minju walked into English class, sitting next to her best friend.

"Hey, you alright? I texted you yesterday but didn't reply."

Minju widened her eyes. Had Yujin just accidentally confessed to being Solaris? She remembers getting a text from the number and none from Yujin. "I didn't get your text?" Minju replied. She checked her phone, just in case.

From: Yujinnnie💚 - How you doing? You seemed a bit out of it when I left, just checking to make sure you're okay.

Minju raised her eyebrows. "Oh."

Yujin smiled at her and left her alone for a bit, knowing that something was up with her but not wanting to bother her or push her too much.

"Hey Yujin...?"

"Yeah Minmin?"

Minju looked intently at Yujin before shaking her head and exhaling. "Nothing, don't worry."

"You sure?"

Minju reassured her with a smile and went back to work.

The two were making their way to the cafeteria when Minju stopped by her locker to put her books away. Yujin left without her.

I fell in love because of all the little things you never knew you were doing. - SOLARIS.

The note fell from Minju's locker and she smiled involuntarily. As much as she didn't want to feel this way, she liked it. She liked the personality of this person and she liked the way he made her feel. Minju hugged the note close to her chest and closed her eyes.

Pulling out her phone she created a new text.

To: SOLARIS- I got your note. It was nice. I'm sorry that I haven't said anything, I was actually a little sad to be honest. It's nothing you did, I just felt a little bit sick at the thought that I had sex with someone without knowing anything about them and I know that's not your fault; I'm the one that accepted. I just thought that if things you wanted (Me) you would forget all about me. But I was wrong, you're still sending me notes and being all adorable. Thank you. If what you said really is true, if you really do like me then I guess I can trust you? I won't ask who you are or pester Yujin about it but I can't guarantee that I won't be curious!

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