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Minju Was a little confused. Did Yujin hand those keys in, knowing the message it had inside? Did Yujin speak to Mads? Was Yujin... No, Definitely not.



"Jesus! I've been calling your name for the past 20 minutes, where the hell are you?" yujin asked, faacing the road but taking glances at the brunette every now and then.

"Nothing, I was just thinking."

Yujin accepted the answer and went back to driving, Minju raised the volume of the music so that she wouldn't have to speak to Yujin. Her mind was still turning with all the possibilities of why Yujin would have handed those keys in to the reception.

"Hey, can you drop me off at home, I'm not really in the mood for ice cream," Minju said.

"Yeah sure, everything's okay?"

When Minju nodded her head, Yujin got the hint that she didn't want to talk about it. She knew her best friend would eventually vent to her if she really needed to let something out.

Minju thanked Yujin for the ride and walked up the driveway to her house. She didn't even glance back before shutting the door harshly.

To: Mads- What's the deal with you and Yujin? You obviously know each other.

To: Mads- I've been so patient with you and I know that I told you that I would wait until you were ready to come clean to me but this is weird Mads. I need something, anything. Things just aren't adding up and there are so many coincidences.

To: Mads- I know you said you weren't able to text me so just message me as soon as possible.

Minju threw her phone on her bed and sighed heavily. She needed to answer, Yes; she liked this girl and truly felt like she was falling for her but how healthy is it to have someone you've never seen, face wise.

She swore she was going crazy.


Yujin was little apprehensive at letting Minju go home without so much as a conversation but maybe she would get answer when she got home and spoke her as a 'Mads'

No such luck.

When Yujin checked her messages, her heart plummeted. She was panting in nerves and unsure what to do. Could she come clean to her best friend? Hell no! Not only would she lose Minju but she would also be seen as a joke to her other friends, Minju would, no doubt, tell them and she would be left with no friend. Not to metion the fact that she would lose her bestfriend for good.

To: ♥♥- Minju

The response was almost instant.

From: ♥♥- Don't Minju me.

To: ♥♥- You said you were fine with how things were babe

From: ♥♥- And I was, but I need more. How am I going to explain to my parents or my family that I'm in a relationship with someone whose face I've never seen... Be honest with me, were you ever thinking about telling me?

To: ♥♥- I'm scared.

From: ♥♥- Scared of what!

Yujin couldn't reply. She couldn't keep the conversation going. She could barely see the screen with the tears that were falling down to her face af making everythings blurry.

It was time. Minju was worth risking everything. Even if she had just a one percent chance that it would work out between them - she wouldn't take it.

To: Minju- Okay.

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