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SOLARIS- Please reply

SOLARIS- I'm sorry for what I said, can we please go back to how we were?

SOLARIS- If you don't ever wanna talk to me I understand but please let me know, don't leave me hanging like this.

It's been three weeks and Minju hasn't replied to a single message she received. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to meet up and at least be in the same room as the guy. It felt too shady and wrong for him to want her to be blindfolded.

SOLARIS- Maybe you genuinely don't wanna talk to me anymore... If that's the case then alright... Just remember that I love you.

Minju looked at her phone and felt a little sad. She didn't want it to end, any of it, she liked this guy.

"Why the long face loser?"

Minju heard her best friend Wonyoung speak and raised her head, thinking the question was aimed at her but Wonyoung was looking at Yujin. Minju noticed a sad look on her face and felt like shit; her best friend was sad and all she cared about was a silly crush.

"Yuj? Are you okay?" She asked.

Yujin didn't even look at her. She simply nodded and kept looking at her phone.

Minju stood up and grabbed Yujin's arm, leading her towards the bathroom. "What's going on babe? I'm sorry that I haven't been around, I just had some stuff to think about." Minju let out.

"Minmin... There's something I need to tell you..." Yujin breathed. Minju nodded and waited for Yujin to continue. The green eyed girl never makes eye contact. "Umm, I-I um uh" She shuttered. "Actually never mind, It's not important, what's up with you thought, how come you're so down?" She asked instead, getting cold feet.

Minju thought about where or not to tell Yujin but she figured she might as well since she was never going to go for it.

"You remember that anonymous guy that kept sending notes and texts?" Yujin nodded, finally looking straight at Minju. "Well he sort of asked me something." Yujin furrowed her eyebrows. "He said that he wanted to meet me but if I could be blindfolded..." Minju waited for the speech and the screaming of 'Are you crazy!' but it never came. She opened her eyes and noticed that Yujin was simply looking at her.

"What are you going to do?" Yujin asked.

"You're not freaked out by this? Not gonna tell me to open my eyes or stop being delusional?" Minju asked, surprised at her best friend's reaction to what she said.

"Look Minju, I don't want to say anything that will influence your decision, but what harm can come of it? Obviously this gi-person," She quickly corrected herself, afraid that Minju would have caught on but she didn't. "Really likes you and they go to this school so that makes them about our age right? I just think you should eliminate all other options before you say no. From what I saw, you were really into this person, without even knowing they were, so why not give it a try... You know?"

Minju was in awe of her best friend, maybe she was right, what's the worst that could happen.

They smiled at one another and hugged for a little longer than Minju was expecting, and she swore she could hear a deep sight from Yujin but she shook it off.


Minju: I'm sorry that I haven't replied lately. I was just thinking about things, put yourself in my position: somebody completely anonymous to you asking you to blindfold yourself so they can come into your house to be with you... How would you feel exactly?

The reply was almost instantaneous.

SOLARIS: I know, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I'm getting so scared of what you'll think once you find out who I am.

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