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To: Minmin- Good morning.


From: Yujinnnie💚- Good morning.

To: Yujinnnie💚- I see you're using your actual phone this time. I'm glad! Good morning :)

From: Yujinnnie💚- Bit pointless using the other one that you know. Can I see you today?

Yujin didn't reply, she was now driving to school and didn't want to waste time. She couldn't wait to see Yujin. She had spent most of  the night thinking about her and had come to the conclusion that it didn't matter to her that it was her best friend. If anything, it made it better. They knew each other and were already close. It was perfect. The smile never left her face.

"What's gotten you so smiley? Did you take my advice?" Yena winked at the younger girl. Minju nodded and headed to class, wanting to see Yujin as soon as possible.

When Minju got there, Yujin wasn't sitting in her place so somebody else took it. She pouted and groaned but couldn't do anything about it. Minju was starting to worry, it was halfway through the lesson and Yujin hadn't shown up. Her worries were quickly put aside when a very disheveled green eyed girl walked in, panting. "Sorry sir, my car got flat and I had to call my mom," Yujin explained. She looked at Minju but noticed that her seat had been taken so she sat at the back.

Minju looked behind her and sent Yujin a big smile with her tongue in beween her theeth. Yujin melted.

The bell finaly rang, and Minju was giddy. Both girls took their sweet time packing their stuff, they wanted to be the las ones out so they had time to talk in the class.

"Hi." Minju said shyly.

"Hey you," Yujin replied,

"So..." Minju hummed.

Yujin smiled and took a step closer, hugging Minju around the waist.

"Yujin... Not there" Minju said, removing her hands.


Minnu saw the disappointment in Yujin's face and quickly corrected herself., "No. It's no like that, trust me!" She said. "I just don't know if I want the girls to know anything yet." She looked at the door, seing that the hall was empty and she quickly pecked Yujin's lips.

"It's not like that," she reiterated.

Yujin sighed a breath of relief. "So what does that mean?" She asked.

"It means" starting getting closer to her best friend, "That I LIKE YOU TOO," She finished with a small kiss on Yujin's neck. "And I like your neck like that, shows that somebody's gotten their hands on you," She added with a wink.


"So Min!" Yena yelled. "Heard anything back from your stalker? Don't think I don't know that you were with him at the party!"

Yujin winced and tried to look unaffected, but Minju knew. Now that she knew her admirer was Yujin, she felt a little quilty for the things she said in the past in front of her.

"Yena, she's a girl, I told you that. And I really like her so could you please stop saying like that."

Yujin smiled secretly and pinched Minju's thigh softly under the table.

"Ohhh, sounds like you've gotten closer with this girl, do you know her name yet?" Wonyoung asked.

"Um," Minju didn't want to lie to her but she didn't know whether Yujin wanted to tell them yet. Luckily the bell went off, signaling the end of lunch.

"Save by the bell," Yuri whispered, wink at Yujin.

To: Minmin- Can I drive you home? It would give us some alone time to talk.

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