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A few weeks later, Minju decided to stay over at Yujin's house, to make the trip in the morning a little easier.

"This is a suprise! Why are you girls up so early?"

"Sorry mom, breakfast will have to wait, me and Jen need to go somewhere," Yujin replied with a hint of tiredness.

"Okay honey, is everything alright? You seem a little sad. Min? What's going on?"

Minju shook her head and gave the woman a small smile. "Nothing, Dara, we just spent the night watching tv and didn't get much sleep."

Dara nodded but felt a little worried at the reason why the girls would be lying to her.

Yujin sigh. They were sitting in the younger's car, holding hands and looking out the window.

Minju took a deep breath. "What if?"

"It doesn't matter Min." Yujin interrupted. "I will love you regardless, okay?"

"Miss Kim, how can I help?"

"Hi Dr. Yerim..." Minju said softly.

The woman looked from Minju to Yujin and back again.

"You didn't take my advice did you?" The young woman asked.

Minju shook her head disappointedly and dropped her eyes to the floor.

"Okay, please take your bottom off and lie on the table, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Minju got undressed, unable to make eye contact with her girlfriend who was just sitting on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Okay, because we're doing a sonogram during our weeks of conception, we actually use the same thing we used the last time you came, Minju," The doctor explained. The girl just nodded and looked at the screen, worriedly.

Yujin's heart was pounding. She didn't even know what would happen if this was going to be positive. She thought it would take more time to check whether Minju was really pregnant. Yujin freaked out at the moment when she saw Minju throwing up. The following day Minju got a headache too. Minju had to leave classes in between and run to the bathroom in the middle of the night to throw up. Yujin didn't voice her worries, but in her head there was no doubt they were about to become parents.

"Minju I just want you to know that whatever happens, I will be here for you regardless. I don't want you getting stressed out about the future okay? Min, if this is really happening, then we will make it work, we will live together and get married if you'd like but I just want you to know that I am here. I will be here for you through anything, I love you so much and I will continue to love you no matter what."

Minju felt a tear falling at the memory of the conversation between her and Yujin a couple days into Minju feeling sick. She turned abruptly when she felt Yujin intertwining their fingers together. She smiled. Minnu didn't think Yujin meant it when she said they were in this together. Yujin just seemed panicked and scared but looking at her own, Minju was crying of happiness. For the first time, it felt like this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

Minju watched Yujin mouth her the words I love you and smiled.

"Okay,"' The doctor smiled and put the instrument away, leaving the room for Jennie to get dressed.

"I love you, okay Min? And your parents will love you and our friends will support you and we will be okay." Yujin assured the smaller girl.

Minju smiled and waited for the woman to enter the room.

"How sure are you of the result?" Dr. Yerim Asked.

Minju didn't answer, she simply looked down, letting the words linger in the air.

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