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Henry yawned holding the pan in his hands cooking pancakes for breakfast for him and Micheal in the cold kitchen of their new house. Recently himself and Micheal had moved to an expensive townhouse in New York. They had bought it so Micheal had an easier commute to college and Henry could get to meetings for Fazbear entertainment easier. The company had grown since William's death. Mostly from Henry throwing himself full force into work to cope. It took a tole on his body but he would get through it. Taking care of Micheal made everything worth it. Hell he'd do anything for the kid. He saw so much of William in him it sometimes stung to look at him, from the blue eyes to the midnight hair. He was the spitting image of his father. Micheal wasn't all too fond of it but Henrys assured him enough that he wasn't a bad person like him. It had been 4 years since he died. 4 years since Henry adopted Micheal. He was 20 now and decided to stay living at home for a little longer.

Henry stared at the clock in the corner. His plans for today were to make sure Micheal had everything he needed and then to lock himself in his room and try not to have too many panic attacks. Today was the anniversary of William's death and for the past few days this cold day in November left him drained and alone. He put the pancakes on plates and brought them upstairs goving one to Micheal. He was playing something on his laptop, he gave the boy a kiss on the forehead and a quiet 'I love you' before leaving.

He collapsed on his bed the second he got to his room. It felt horrible to lay there alone. Even after 4 years he wasn't used to never having anyone beside him save for the few nights a month that Micheal would have nightmares. The bed felt colder than ever today, the busy streets could be heard outside, that provided some comfort just to let him know he was still alive. Henry turned over to look at the other side of the bed. Something inside him hoped that ghosts were real and William was one so that in some way shape or form he could be beside him. The ginger just didn't know what to do with himself on these days, so overwhelmed by grief and mourning to do anything. It hurt so much. He could almost feel the pain of his own best friend trying to take his life. Nothing in the world could ever convince him that William meant any harm at all. What had happened in his mind while doing it?

The ginger haired man lay defeated in his bed. He had done so much to give Micheal as much of the life he deserved as he could. Why not take today to rest? Tiredness soon claimed his body and he drifted to sleep.


Micheal had it a little easier on the day of his fathers anniversary. He didn't miss him so there wasn't as much to be sad about. The only thing that upset him on these days was how much pain it caused Henry. Micheal tried his best to leave him alone to deal with his thoughts and tried to not ask for help as much and let him rest. It was hard though, school and work wouldn't stop for grief 4 whole years after the event. This was made very apparent when Henry was rushing around the jouse in a full suit and tie. Complete with his showy yellow and orange star embellishments. He was on the phone shouting like a mad man failing to keep his temper in check. He could've sworn he heard the guy on the other end apologize a stupid amount. He looked exhausted.

Micheal had discovered how good Henry was with a little makeup and hiding how he looked. Dark bags for earlier in the day had disappeared from view entirely and his long hair was half up half down, face clean shaven and everything. If Micheal didnt know better he would've tjought he was completely fine. He hung up the phone with an angered sigh shoving it in his pocket.

"Mike, hun they need me in the megaplex in a few hours. Go get dressed and pack a bag for a couple of nights we have to be in Utah. We might be getting a lawsuit. Bonnie glitched and broke a guests arm." He said with an angered sigh running around looking for various files and papers.

"Oh uh- how long do I have?" Mike asked standing in the hall looking at him frantically speed around shoving things into a bag.

"An hour please hurry. I don't want to drag this out." Mike ran back into his room grabbing the bg from under his bed like he'd done various times over the past 4 years. He didn't mind it though. He had seen on the internet that most kids of big business owners like Henry were left to their own devices at home for a week. Micheal wasn't though, Henry brought him along every time. The fancy hotels and staff falling at your feet was a very nice feeling when all your life you were abused and hurt.


They were on a plane in less than an hour to Utah. Henry was on the phone speaking to a lawyer and then an assistant telling him where the hotel they would be staying in was. Micheal was on his laptop watching Netflix with headphones on but still occasionally looking up to see Henry rubbing the bridge of his nose. They had been to Utah many times, Henry was always busy with a project for the huge business. Most people would be upset by their parent never being at home but when Henry wasn't going to be home for long periods of time Micheal likely would be taken with him. Having this much money was weird having grown up within the middle class.


Micheal was now alone in the hotel. Henry having gone to the megaplex to sort out the issue. He knew deep down that nothing would come from it as the child had been climbing on the animatronic and it tried to get them off, the most that would come would be Fazbear entertainment having to pay the medical bill. He was watching some old movie on the TV only really listening to it instead opting to sketch new clothing designs. He loved designing and making clother, he was the one to create the suit Henry wore for work functions. Before asking Henry to help him pursue his dream to be a designer he was actually really scared to ask thinking that Henry would judge him for liking something as girly as this but he'd been nothing but supportive even paying tuition to a prestigious school of fashion desgin.

Micheal was finally happy! Life was treating him well for the first time ever. He had a loving parental figure, who he sometimes almost called Dad, went ro the school of his dreams and was never hurt and if he was sad Henry was tyere to fix it with him. He missed his biological father too but not the man he was prior to his death. Before he went crazy, he wasn't kind but he was a good man who worked hard. Henry had told him stories of them in college and starting Fazbear entertainment, some of the stories he had to admit had a worrying amount of romantic tension in the way Henry recalled them and some pictures of the 2 felt a little closer than friends. Henry had told him on many occasions though that there was nothing of that nature between them. Micheal wasn't sure he believed that, he knew what love looked like and there was abundance of it in the eyes of the two men in those pictures together. William looked at Henry with an expression that not many had witnessed from the raven haired man.

Full and genuine love, kept in one person that was meant for 2 eternally held prisoner inside the mind of a dead man. An ill fated partnership, could it ever truly be fixed?

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