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Henry and Micheal had gone home after 2 weeks in Utah to find a small girl sitting on the doorstep of there house. No less than 10 years old she was tiny. Micheal immediately recognized her as his little sister Elizabeth.

"Oh my god.... Lizzy..! Is that you?!" Micheal ran up the steps to look at her face. She threw her arms around Micheal.

"MIKEY!! Mikey, Mikey what happened I don't know where I am, where's daddy?" Elizabeth was crying hugging Mike tightly.

"Daddy's been gone for a bit, it's ok he will be ok, you're in New York this is uncle Henry's house I liver here too." He said picking her up, Henry was only up the steps now as he had all of their bags.

"Lizzy? Oh goodness it is you... Are you ok baby?" He said petting her long messy hair. She jumped out of Micheal's arms and hugged Henry's waist.

"I missed you Uncle Henry!" He picked her up giving her a warm hug, she was too thin for his liking. He'd take her to the doctor later and get all the legal stuff done. Her dad was dead so he'd take her in just like he had Micheal.


Everything to do with adoption was done in less than a month, thats hoe things were being famous, the world is fucked up and sees people who's names are adorned in lights as more important. Micheal would always say Henry deserved it for how hard he works and while Henry disliked being recognized everywhere he went he wouldn't give it up for the world. He had an influence and that meant being able to make a difference in people's lives. Thats what he loved about it.

Everything was going well!


Micheal had moved out a couple of months ago, Henry was happy for him but he cried a lot at the airport watching Micheal getting on the plane hurt. He was so used to him just being there with him all of the time. Lizzy cried too but she was assured that Micheal wasn't going away forever and stopped soon after. He was in Europe as a fashion designer in Paris. Henry couldn't be more proud of him. He had come so far!

Henry was young enough still. The whole revival thing was odd. He seemed to age a lot slower. Micheal said he still looked like he was in his late 20s despite being 38. He was bored and needed a change so naturally he tried his hand at music and he was good. Months went by and he released a debut album, Micheal was a world renowned designer making outfits that Henry wore in music videos and public events, of course he went to the events with him, and always brought Henry to shows and gatherings surrounding his own work. Henry wven made most of the tracks played while models showed off Micheal's work on the runway! Elizabeth had gotten really into ballet and was very good despite still only being 12.

Henry was right, himself and Micheal had made it and found Lizzy along the way too.


A cold childlike laugh sounded through the room. Cassidy, one of the children who had been murdered at his hand, William had tried to explain that he didn't want to kill her and had no control over his body at the time but she wouldn't have it.

"....having fun are we Afton~?" She taunted, he wanted to put her through this aswell.

"Shut up you little brat!" He yelled cowering in the back corner of the office.

"Cassidy don't be mean... He apolagised you could at least be nicer to him! Now show him what we were sent here to." Another voice said, Evan?

"Evan..?! What does that mean?" Both of the doors at his sides shut. "No no no! Don't close those you're wasting power I don't want to die again!"

The power wasn't going down and the doors wouldn't open when he pushed the buttons so eventually he gave up. A TV screen dropped down in front of him.

"What the hell is this?" He asked staring at the blank screen.

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