its been a while !

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so recently i logged back onto this account after being inactive for a bit and holy wowow the amount of wonderful comments on it blew me away. I don't have a lot to say really I cant think of the words.

all i want to say is thank you so much! i likely will not be posting much here anymore as ive mostly moved over to ao3, you can find me under Br3adb0y ! I have two works up as of writing this, both are genshin related but my tastes vary a lot, i tend to come back around to my interests a lot and thatll probably happen soon enough what with the new fnaf movie actually coming out after so many years.

I will say ive read almost all of the comments and responded to a few, i am so grateful to everyone who read this. It means a lot to me as this was my first ever work. I went back and read over a bit of it to see how my writing has changed since February and i honestly dont see a whole lot of difference.

thank you so much for taking the time to read this and the rest of the book if you did, take care !

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