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Henry was at home finally having an extra day where no one would be calling for opinions on work. A day to relax. Elizabeth went out with a few of her friends shopping a little while ago and Micheal was also home. Henry and Micheal decided on relaxing on the couch instead of doing anything that required going out. They were watching some disney movie trying to relax, Micheal had an uneasy feeling in his stomach but was trying not to show it. He didn't want to worry Henry. He finally got a day to rest, he couldn't just ruin it. He felt nauseous and the worst part of it was he didn't know why. There was nothing to be stressed about so what was going on?

"You okay love?" Henry mumbled sleepily, slurring a few of his words. He was laying on the sofa with a blanket and leaning on the armrest.

"I- oh yeah I'm fine-!" He said trying not to show any discomfort.

Henry sat up looking at him.

"I know when you're lying honey. What's the problem?" He pushed for an answer, sternly but still had that soft comforting tone in his voice. When Micheal had first come to live with Henry he remembered how odd it felt to hear someone talk to him without venom in their voice, scoffing at his mere existance. Henry was loving and cared for him more than anyone ever did. Even his little siblings before the accidents. They had loved him not knowing truly what he had done. Henry knew it all and was still there. Still loving him and caring for him, hell he was more of a parent to him than his own father. Henry had gotten him through some of the hardest times in his life. From dealing with his trauma in therapy to breaking down completely when he thought he wasn't going to get through anything, Henry was always there to pick him back up again and keep him going. That was something not many people had ever done for him.

"I-I don't know... I feel like something horrible is about to happen but I cant think of what it is! Why am I crying? There aren't any problems!" He was practically hysterical at this point.

"Come here honey, you just need someone right now. I'm here. When you're ready we can figure out the problem and fix it together." Henry said calmly gesturing for Micheal to come over and sit with him. He sat down beside him and tried to get his breathing back to normal before being pulled down to lay on Henry's chest.

"Thank you...." Micheal's voice was shakey and uneven. He shivered in the other's embrace despite it being the warmest place he'd ever been in his life. Is this what home felt like? Micheal's own apartment in Paris would never compare to this. This was his home. Even if he was an ocean away this would still be home and he would come back a thousand times.

"Remember the first night you spent at mine you couldn't sleep without someone with you so you slept with me? You did that for about a year before moving back into your own room properly." Henry said trying to sooth him back into a more stable state. He recalled the hundreds of nights he had spent bringing the boy down from the panic of a particularly bad nightmare. "I love you so much sweetheart. I will never ever stop loving you. Have I ever broken a promise?" He rubbed soft circles into the others shaking form.

"...even knowing all the horrible things I've done you still stay, why? How could you ever stand to even be in the same room as me? I killed my brother and then shot my own father! I'm just what he used to call me... A disgrace." Henry grew angrier with every word in that sentance. The William he knew loved his children so much. Why would he ever hurt them like this? Although he loved the late man who was there with him through so much he wanted to hurt him. He wanted to make him suffer the way this poor boy did. His still shakey frame hugging against him as if for life. Why would he ever do this to a poor kid? William was harsh but never abusive to his knowledge. Then he remembered, what colour were William's eyes when he attacked him the night he died? They were a sickly glowing purple.

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