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William had been staying in a hotel in Utah with Mike and Lizzy in the room beside his. The date of the party had come much too soon for his liking. He tried to drag out getting ready for as long as possible dreading how Henry would react to him being alive. The outfit Micheal had made was a deep shsde of purple with gold accents on the sleeves and collar. It was an intricatly designed suit he loved it but he really did not want to go and risk finding out that Henry hated him. Micheal wouldn't let him out of thing though and never really explained why so when he walked back into William's room to ask if he was ready he asked.

"Why are you so desperate for me to see Henry again? He hates me I mean i tried to kill him..." He sighed sickly. He didn't feel well.

"He loves you. I keep saying it. He never got over your death no matter how much me or Lizzy tried to help"


The stress was real. Finding the cameras in his hotel room and the plans to have him killed were overwhelming. He couldn't tell anyone for fear of more getting hurt, this would be easy to deal with if only the plan to kill him was by use of a bomb that would kill a lot more than just Henry. He was forced to fake his own death and go into hiding. He didn't want to, that was the last thing he could ever want but with 2 kids he couldn't let any harm come their way. After discussing the various ways in which to do this it was decided by a private investigator and a lawyer that the most convincing cause of death would be suicide. He was told to write a letter to leave to the kids.

He wrote the letter sobbing heavily trying to not get the paper too wet though it still came out with a few smudges of tear marks. He stared at the letter and read it over again.

' To my dearest Micheal and Lizzy,

I am so sorry for what I am about to do and am aware of how selfish it may seem but the constant pain around is unbearable I simply cannot take it anymore. I know you two will be okay. You have eachother. I love you both very much. Micheal will you leave flowers on your father's grave for me at least once a month? I can't go without knowing that won't happen anymore. I do hope his mind is back to the state it was before he was stolen away by insanity.

Lizzy will you continue to be the bright beautiful young girl you are? Please don't let what I do hurt you. I wish it didn't need to be this way but I can't burden you two with my existence anymore. I couldn't do that to you. So that is why I've decided to leave, living is far too painful for my weakened heart.

I love you Micheal, I love you Lizzy and never forget that.

Goodbye loves.'

He left the letter to a police officer who would deliver it to their hotel in Utah.


William was on the floor. He was going to throw up. It hurt so much he was too late again. He wasn't there. Goddammit why wasn't he just there earlier. This could have been stopped Henry didn't deserve to die. He was far too kind and beautiful for what the world had done to him. He was gone. He was gone. He was gone and it was all his fault.

He shook on the ground sobbing and pleading to wake up and this to be all just a dream. It wasn't real. He would wake up and the day would be a whole dream and when he got out of bed he would get dressed and finally be with Henry again at the party.

Micheal sat empty eyed on the couch. He was too overwhelmed to feel. Nothing felt real anymore. The man who had raised him with more love, affection and nurturing than he ever deserved was dead and it was by his own hand. He wasn't really dead was he? He couldn't be. This was some sick joke.

The situation finally set in and he did nothing but shout out in pain. It hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt. Make it go away. Make it stop. It felt like he nightmares of his childhood again but this time he had no one to comfort him through it and pull him to to the other side. The one man who showed him love was gone.

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