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sorry for the ole switcharoo in chapter 7 i couldnt help it im a sucker for a twist.

Micheal had gotten to work on a new collection of designs for another very high ranked show. He had to make it perfect, he had to make Henry proud. He had to be perfect. No mistakes at all.

William had started staying in Henry's room. It felt weird the pillows and blankets smelled like him even after 8 years it was still recognizable. There were clothes in the closet belonging to him too. William often just looked at them and wondered what he did while wearing them. Micheal wasn't lying about the picture either. It was in a shiny frame with perfectly unstained glass. Did Henry look at this every night before falling asleep? What did he think about? Before dying did Henry think they would see eachother and be together in the afterlife? That is if he was dead and this waiting game was getting on his nerves. Hadn't he waited enough? Was it too much to ask to just have his best friend back? Even if he couldn't be more he at least wanted him back with him. They were always a team being apart wasn't something he liked and he was sure if Henry still loved him he didn't like it either.

He sat on the couch staring at the floor trying not to break again. He just wanted to touch him, talk to him, love him. He was being crushed by the weight of guilt and grief. He couldn't be dead. He would never ever harm himself.

William ran up the stairs to Henry's office. He dug out a pen and paper and began to write. He made his writing completely identical to what it was before death. Henry had to recognize it. He wrote for an hour or 2 trying to word it perfectly. He rearranged words around in his mind until it was flawless.

He drove to the police station and asked for the member of staff handling Henry's case to talk to them. She walked out of her office and invited him in a couple minutes later.

"I know he's alive. I know him and he never would have done that to himself. I understand how serious this situation is and I don't need to see him until he's out of witness protection I just need you to make sure he gets this letter. Please." He tried his damn best at convincing her. She took the letter with and reassured him that it would be handed to him personally by one of her guys.

William walked out of the place with higher hopes than before. He would have Henry back at least to talk to him for just a second if he was kicked out of his life. All he wanted to do was say sorry and ask for forgiveness. If it wasn't given he would leave. Though if it was, he was going to make sure Henry knew just how nuch he loved him.


Henry was startled awake by a knock at his door. He walked over lazily almost falling over twice. He was handed a letter and told to have a good day. With a simple you too the door was closed, his eyes still glued to the writing on the envelope. It was familiar. Where did he know it from? He sat back down on the couch and stared at the handwriting trying to force his mind to recall where he had seen the same curly writing. He let out an audible gasp when he realized. That was William's writing. But, how? He was dead! He had been gone for years. He tore open the envelope and started to read.

'To my Dearest Henry,

My darling I am so sorry I didn't see you sooner. If I had you may not have been in this situation had I been there and you had the kindness to forgive me. I want you to know that I would have spent every second protecting you. I am writing to you now to help you understand that I love you more than anything else in this world. When all of this is over I would like you to know that I will be right there upon your return. With your consent I will never leave your side again. I was supposed to see you again at that party the day you faked death, I wish that were the case as I planned to ask you for a dance.

You may wonder how I am writing to you as last you knew I was dead. I was, that is the truth but after living through hell I am back. I spent eight years down there waiting for my release. I got it. I am so sorry it didn't come sooner. My dear I wish I was there at this moment to hug you and tell you it's alright. You will get out though and when you do I will be here for your comfort.

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