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Micheal stood up hesitantly to get the door. He walked in a slouched position like he was afraid of what lay on the other side. He opened it and sure as the sky was blue Henry was standing there. He was alive. The tears started to spill and Micheal fell into his Dad's arms. Henry only whispered words of love into his ear calming him down like the countless nights of nightmares before. Micheal hadn't known what to really do with himself except put in effort and be someone who Henry would have been proud of. He wasn't able to function properly often forgetting to take care of himself going up to three days without food or drink. Grief was a strange thing and he finally understood how destroyed Heny must have felt after William's death. It felt like something irreplaceable had been stolen, a piece to a puzzle going missing leaving the puzzle unable to ever be complete. A gaping hole searing the heart. It hurt.

Micheal lead the older man into the living room. William was standing there waiting for a reaction. He was terrified of what could happen. This really was all or nothing in the sick game life was playing on the ill-fated partnership. Henry stepped closer cautiously as though everything may disappear if he went to quick. He savorued each second of this. William couldn't properly process what was happening, his mind opting to admire the beauty of the man he loved. His red hair blazing like a forest fire, green and brown eyes with central heterochromia glittered in the light, his face was tear stained and tainted by grief but he still looked as beautiful as the day they met all those years ago. He was an angel, William was a demon from the deepest parts of hell though if Henry was asked about him he would say he was a fallen angel with a broken halo and torn wings.

The reality of the situation soon set in for Henry as he ran towards the raven haired man. His hair shining like high grade obsidian and eyes that resembled the line where the sky meets the sea. So deep and blue filled with mystery, misery, love and everything between. They both felt like they were floating with all the unsaid words of years of longing and unconfessed love swirled around them like winds. The entire world seemed to stop for these few precious moments while two hearts collided for a second time. Though neither had fallen out of love both felt themselves fall into it all over again.

Nothing brought tears more than seeing someone you thought you would never get the chance to see again standing in front of you by only a few meters. It was exhilarating. It felt so perfect like there was finally hope on the horizon for everyone there.

Henry finally realized how broken he had been for the last eight years. He had fallen apart piece by piece during the early stages of grief but he had to take care of Micheal so not much healing was ever done for himself instead choosing to help Micheal overcome the trauma dumped on him. He wasn't okay. He hadn't been for a long time and coming to terms with that and reaching for help wouldn't be easy but it was possible. No good things were ever easy, life had beat that into his mind. Practically raising Lizzy and getting Micheal through his trauma wasn't easy but he was proud to say that he had done it. Micheal was so strong and he had helped to make him that way. Lizzy was a kind and hardworking girl and he had raised her since she was ten to be so. Life was good but it wasn't a walk down a smooth paved road, it was hard and rocky, throwing you aroud in every which way.

As he landed in the raven haired mans arms he felt finally whole again. His other half, twin flame and the man who he thought he would spend his whole life with. Those wishes were put on hold and he honestly thought the candle burnt long ago but noe the fire set on the wick was burning brighter than ever. Light of their love shone bright and rang loud for the workd to hear and would be ever so much louder when thos three honoured words were spoken.

Tears flooded William's eyes. He could barely see but it would be okay. He could still feel, he felt every single inch of Henry's body pressed tightly against his. They slot together perfectly like a puzzle. Completing eachother to create a work of art, a detailed picture that could never show without the other part there to combine to make beauty. Henry always said that love was the one thing that would always make it to the other side and now William believed it. This was the other side and their love remained stronger than titanium. Standing still in the wreckage unshaken and unchanged by oceans of pain, a stone buried in the sand of a beach left alone by the tides that rose to demolish and renew, footprints and sand drawings smoothened out by the waters of high tide in the evening. They remained in perfect condition.

Sometimes that person is the last thing you've got and when you lose them all sense and function seems to follow suit. Only when loss is fully accepted can everything be regained and even then it's only enough to get by, loss never really heals without damage being left. When William died a hole in Henry's heart was formed. He learned to ignore his own problems in favor of helping the kids instead. That was his inevitable downfall.

Safely in eachothers arms they finally had a breathe of fresh air cleanse abused lungs. Minds drowned in heartbreak came up to the surface peaking into the light of a new day's dawn. The future had spun into an enchanting waltz. It wasn't predictable but it was beautiful. The horizon of new hope shone like the sun's first light. Nothing could ruin this. No more misfortune for the two burning fires becoming one blazing in unison as all was meant to be. Combining into a powerful ember. A bonfire gone rogue. All pain and hurt permanently washed away by clear water. A new life's morning dew enveloped them.

This was the final act in their messed up Shakespearean tragedy gone comedy. A meaningful musical that deserved an encore did it not?


Months later they awoke for the somewhere around one hundreth time together. Henry's face buried in the other's bare chest. Purple marks trailing from his neck to thighs, a reminder of how much William loved him. (Sorry that was kind of spicy I couldn't help it) Henry sat up looking down at the man still sleeping beside him, long pink scratches on his back. Not enough to cause damage but they probably hurt at the time. It would be noticeable if they weren't so distracted when they were inflicted. Lizzy was in Paris again with Micheal so they had the house to themselves. William was very, very pleased when he heard this giving Henry a 'I am going to ensure that you never walk again after this.' look across the breakfast table. Micheal noticed and almost had a breakdown. He didn't like to imagine that at all. He was scarred enough from when he came home earlier than he had origionally planned and walked into the kitchen to see Henry pinned to the counter looking like a hot mess. Yeah, he would never look at the counter the same again. He had refused to touch it for two weeks afterwards saying it was 'infected' and had 'sinful essence' on it.

Life had slipped into a comfortable balance of life and work for the two. William had started work in the Pizzaplex handling half of Henry's work to balance it out. Somehow Henry's frequent migranes had stopped being so common. Micheal had to be at a show in a few weeks do they were preparing for that and Henry was getting ready to release a new song.

Henry got up to take a shower. He slipped on one of William's jumpers. It smelled nice. His cologne was a faint yet conforting smell. He pressed a quick kiss to William's face before stumbling down the stairs almost falling s few times. His legs still hadn't regained all feeling.

Henry was cooking breakfast on the stove when he felt long arms wrap around his waist and a quiet whisper in his ear.

"Feeling okay? Sorry if I was a little rough." Willian said with a yawn.

"You're fine. You know I liked it." Henry reassured. William always felt guilty if he hurt him at all.

"m'Kay good. What are you making babe?" He asked running his hands down the redhead's thighs over the purple marks.

"Eggs. If you're good you'll get some bacon too." Henry teased.

"Mhm I think I deserve some no? You said last night was nice did you not?" William laughed.

"I'll think about it. I have purple bruises everywhere thanks to you."

"You scratched my back so much though. I don't know how you managed to get me that bad."

"I literally can't feel my legs you can't say shit."

"So I did good then?"

"Yes... You did love."

"Knew it!"

the fluff afterwards is a reward for yall dealing with my angsty shit for so long :) and sorry this was a day late. I got busy lol. Hope you liked ! If you all behave I'll do a wedding chapter 😍😍😍

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