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Being in Paris was fun. His fashion career had taken off soon after his second year in college and he was invited to big shows around the world! Henry was proud of him too. Micheal wasn't all too accustomed to having people actually be proud of his achievements even after practically being Henry's son for 8 years. The biggest milestone for his new little family was both him and Lizzy changing their last names to Emily a while after being adopted. Micheal wandered around he grocery store trying to think of what he could do for dinner, Lizzy was staying over with him for a week and she was a picky eater. That made everything 10 times harder. There were so many textures and smells she refused to touch. She hadn't been over to stay for a few months and he had completely forgotten all of her safe foods. He looked for ages trying to remember but ended up texting her to ask what she wanted. He had asked before leaving and she said she'd have anything that didn't have crunchy with soft. That's the only thing she specified. God damnit why did Henry have to go to that dumb pizzaplex for that meeting and couldn't come with Lizzy!


He walked out of the store sighing finally having figured out what to get with Lizzy's help. He loved her but why god why was she so stubborn.

He walked down the streets to his apartment. The way home was in one of the richer parts of Paris. The streets were bright and honestly very aesthetically pleasing with all of the antique embellishments on the buildings still preserved. It was beautiful and not like Hurricane. He lived on the bad side of that place. And in New York the streets were filled up with people. He loved his home with Henry though and he always would. Henry was practically his Dad now. The title of uncle was long gone and he often just refered to him as dad. He walked the streets humming along tobthe song playing in his earphones. It was one of Henry's, it felt like home as it was one of the ones he had made for Micheal. He would sing it whenever Micheal had especially bad nightmares. He made one specifically for Lizzy aswell. Lizzy was young still when she was taken into their home and started calling Henry dad almost as soon as she was adopted. She had told him that she felt lived with him and Henry so naturally she would call him Dad.

The streets were chilly. The cold winter air swirling through blowing his hair in every direction. Something inside him told him to take a detour down to the walkway along the river. What harm could it do? A walk by the river and even more fresh air.


Why the fuck am I in Paris? Was William's first thought when brought back into the world of the living from the darkest pit of hell. He was now sitting on a bench a week later at some river. It was pretty but he hadn't managed to get much money for food so he was hungry. Well, when you're a dirty murderer you don't get much charity from those around you, if they know or not. He stared out at the river. How would he ever get back to Henry? And Micheal too? What the hell did they have to do with being in Paris? He sat and wondered thinking of all the possibilities that lay after seeing them again. He thought of the horrible first of course, a visual image of Henry yelling at him in the voice he had only heard once and even then it wasn't at him. It was at Clara, she had spent all kf their money for the week on drinks and gambling. Henry had absolutely gone off on her. He was now imagining all of the horrible things he had done and what Henry would have to say to him about it. He thought of Micheal calling him by just his last name 'Afton' he had done that when they met in the pizzaria again. He hadn't had any control over his body back then either. He wanted to cry and apologize profusely but his body began laughing loudly.

He forced the thoughts from his mind trying to think of Henry's all too forgiving heart directing its kindness to him. Bringing him back into his life safely and warmly. He thought of Micheal calling him Father again. The image of Henry's lips on his flitted into his mind for less than a seconf causing his face to errupt in a mad blush and his heart to race. It had been over a decade since he had origionally fallen for the ginger haired man and he was still so deeply in love. It had to be true. Would Henry love him back though?

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