Goodbye, Camp Half-Blood

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Hi! This story was first posted on Quotev. Anyway, disclaimer! Please do the honors, Mabel~
Mabel: PJHPGFBC4evah does not own any of the characters in her stories. Hey guys! You wanna know what hap-*muffled*
Me: You didn't hear that- YUCK!!! Mabel!
Mabel: hehehe anyway on with the story!
Me: I was supposed to say that -_-
Mabel: Who cares?! Have some Mabel juice!
Me: This is worse than Dakota's Kool-Aid!! NOOOOO!!! GTG GUYS

(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

"Bull's-eye!" Lou Ellen shouted.
        Well I see you're once again reading this. It's me, (Y/N)! I'm now 15 years old, but you may consider me 33 if you know my history. Anyhow, I'm at the archery range just practicing. The war was over; it's been a month now. So, our lives are back to normal! Or as normal a demigod's life can be.

        Annabeth and I were just shooting arrows (Hey! What do you know! She wanted to practice.) when Chiron came. 
        "(Y/N)! May I excuse you from your free time for a moment. It's quite a serious discussion," Chiron said.
        "Sure! No prob," I replied. We started walking towards the Big House. When we arrived, he made me sit at a chair by the porch.
        "Soooo, what is it Chiron?" I asked.
        He sighed. "Do you remember your old house? The place before you...fell asleep?" 
        "Ye-yeah. It's in Gravity Falls, the place you all said was weird for mortals," I replied a bit cautiously.
        "'re going on a quest. And I'm afraid, this is all on you only," he said with another sigh. "You're going back to Gravity Falls. We've noticed the place is getting a bit out of hand.'re the one very fit for the task."
        I was speechless. "So...when do I...leave?" I asked after I regained myself. 
        "Tomorrow. Argus will drop you off at the bus station, so you'll be riding the bus to Gravity Falls. You'll be staying at the...Mystery Shack. I suppose that's your old place," he told me. "Perhaps it's better if you pack now. I'll be giving you some things that you might need on your quest. I'm really sorry about this, (Y/N). The gods have requested it."
        "It's fine! I'm rather excited to go back," I reassured him. He bade me good-bye and I walked towards Cabin 20. 

*Time Skip*
After dinner

        "Hey (Y/N)! Why didn't you eat much at dinner? Is something wrong?" Lou Ellen asked.
        "Nope I'm perfectly fine! Just wanted to give more offerings to Lady Hecaté," I said in a cheerful tone. "I think I should tell you something...I'm leaving tomorrow," I said silently.
        All the magic going about in the room stopped abruptly. Everyone stared at me, but I didn't feel uncomfortable. I grabbed a chair and sat on it, the back of it in my front. They all sat down properly, or as proper as one can see it.
        "Well, what happened?" one of my brothers asked.
        "I'm going on a quest...alone. I'm going back to Gravity Falls, and I think it'll take me a long time there. Chiron said things were getting a bit out of hand there," I told them. The youngest of my sisters, Natalie (change if it's your name), came up to me.
        "Will me see you again?" she said in her cute little voice. She was just four years old.
        "Maybe, Talie, maybe," I said while patting her head. She hugged my leg and said,"Natalie is gonna miss you. Me might not see (Y/N) again," she said sobbing a bit.
        I stood up from my chair and bent down when she let go of my leg. "Don't worry. I'll IM you guys so you'll still see me."
        "GROUP HUG!" one of my sisters said and they all hugged me. I put Natalie on my shoulders. 
        "How about we have a farewell party?" Lou Ellen announced. And so, the party commenced. 

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