The Demon of Town

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I need someone to do the disclaimer because Bill is threatening to take over my body because I used his catch phrase. Would you look at that! I nearly got impaled! Someone please!
Dipper: Mabel! Do it! I need to help her! *pulls out journal*
Mabel: Okay! PJHPGF4evah doesn't own any of the characters here. Please enjoy, she says.
Bill: *shouting at me* THAT WAS MY LINE YOU USED, MORTAL!!! *controls random stuff and throws them at me*
Mabel: I think we really need to help her...
Bill: DIE!!!

(Y/N) 's P.o.V.

        I quickly shoved the journal in my satchel and put it on my shoulder. The twins might wander what's taking me so long, so I met up with them. "Hallo guys!"

        "Hey! How 'bout we show you around town, (Y/N)," Mabel said. We went walking around town, doing the usual stuff a person might want to do. We had lunch, etc... I'm not the kind of person to plunge into describing every single bit so...yeah...Until I felt a disturbance.

        "Uh, guys. Mind if I excuse myself a bit. I'm going to, I dunno, walk around a bit," I told them while we were walking back to the shack. 

        "No problem," Dipper said. I flashed them a smile and walked off. When I saw that they entered the shack, I broke into a jog. Then a dash. I ran to the cliff, where I felt or maybe even saw something strange.

        'Maybe, just maybe, t'was my imagination,' I thought. I was facing backwards, so I didn't see I was already at the edge. Then a strong wind did the trick. "Meep!"

        Luckily, being a demigod, we're used to this stuff. I held on so I didn't fall off.

        "We're you trying to kill yourself, princess?" someone suddenly asked and I looked up. A kid about my age wearing a yellow brick-designed sweater asked.

        "I wasn't and I am NOT a princess," I answered a bit annoyed.

        "Here, lemme help you. I'll grab your arms and you just let go so I can pull you up," he said while leaning over the edge a bit.

        "Thanks but no thanks. Please back off a bit so I can swing myself over," I told him.

        "Suite yourself," he said. I kicked a bit under the edge so I could swing myself up the edge. I did. Then suddenly the part I was standing on cracked and fell. I grabbed on again.

        "How am I not sure you're not doing this with magic?" I asked the guy, annoyed.

        "Because, princess, I won't~" he said in a rather sarcastic voice. "Now, do you accept my offer?"

        "Fine. But if you drop me, I swear on the Styx, I'll haunt you forever," I stated. He just chuckled and grabbed my arms.

        "Now, let go." I did and he quickly pulled me up. In my opinion: too much. I crashed onto him and he fell backwards, me on top of him. As anyone would expect, I blushed and quickly got off, brushing myself off. He stood up and held his hand out.

        "You're welcome. The name's Bill Cipher. Yours?" He quickly said. I nearly said 'I haven't even thanked you' but just ended up pretending I didn't hear the first part of what he said.

        "(Y/N)...(Y/N) Pines," I replied and shook his hand.

        "Ah, another Pines," he said and a cane appeared out of nowhere. The act didn't even faze me. Like a demigod, I'm used to those stuff. He leaned against it. "The twins, they'll tell you to shun me. We may have gotten off to a bad start." I just saw he had an eyepatch over his right eye, and it made me wonder but I didn't ask.

        "Perhaps you've done something...terrible then," I stated, a bit questioningly. He pretended to not notice what I said.

        "Usually I prefer to go by my triangle form," suddenly, he was a yellow triangle, with one eye, a top hat, and a bow. Then he returned to his human form. "But, I see this as an exception. For you to know, I sense something different in you. You can use magic. And, I can use that as a weapon against you. If the twins find out, you don't know what might happen. They may not trust you anymore."

        "Pfft. They don't trust you, from what you've said before. How come they'll believe you when you tell them that," I replied bluntly.

        "But I have my ways, princess."

        "Stop calling me princess."

        "I'm proposing this as a deal. I keep your secret, in return, you do something for me," he said. I pretended to think about it, you know, chin tap, gazing up.

        "Hmmmm, how," I replied flatly and started to walk away. "You demons have a bad habit of making bad deals." Yes, I knew he was a demon.

        "Whatever. If ever you want a deal, I'll be there," he said before vanishing.

        That was such a welcoming start to Gravity Falls's mysteries.


A Deal's A Deal (Bill Cipher x Demigod! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now