Some Quality Time

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My little pony, my little pony, aaah~


Bill: SORRY about that, folks. I shouldn't have cut-off the deal. (I use her body as a vessel, I ruin her story) Well, it was for the greater good...I won't elaborate...

Me: xD He totally lost the deal! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Bill: That's MY laugh! 

Mabel: Don't worry, we all have our own laughs! She'll change back to her normal laugh after some time.

*1 week later*

Me: AHAHAHAHAH! Well, well, well. I must say I'm impressed by your works, Shooting Star.

Bill: *eye twitch* The deal changed her...

Mabel: We need the doctor.

Dipper: SO as we're busy trying to cure PLB of her...uh...

JUST...she doesn't own any of the characters. There, done! Let's get her fixed!

Me: And just what do you think are you gonna do, mortals?! I expected more from you, Pine Tree!

Bill: I never knew I always spoke like that *covers my mouth with some cloth* Well! We've got some work to do!

Me: *rips cloth off* You dare disrespect me, demon?! Do you know what I'm like when I'm mad?!

Bill: *kisses cheek* There?! You done?!

Me: uh..u- *wide eyes* ...

Bill: Hey...hey! Oh come on!

Mabel: *snickers* SOMEONE'S IN WOVE!!! 

Me: *just came back to reality* Shut up, Mabel. Let's just-

Dipper: Get on with the story!

(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

        "(Y/N)..." a distant voice said.


        "(Y/N) PINES!!!" someone screamed and I opened my eyes slowly. Bill was kneeling down and rattling my shoulders.

        "Stop, I'm getting nauseous," I said groggily.

        "For gold's sake, you wouldn't wake up!" he said as he stopped shaking me. He sat down on the floor beside me. I leaned my head against his shoulder, wanting to go back to sleep.

        "What did you do? You look like a zombie today," he said. 

        "I continuously converted oxygen to carbon dioxide," I mumbled sleepily. Bill chuckled.

        "You're really not gonna be serious." I raised my head and just looked at him. We simply stared at each other, but nothing went awkward. All of a sudden, Bill started to lean in. I started to do so too. I closed my eyes, but then...

        "(Y/N)!" someone chimed and we jumped a few good feet away from each other, blushing furiously. It was Dad. I stood up and walked over to him.

        "Hi Dad!" I said. He didn't indicate any sign that he saw what happened, or nearly happened. He looked at Bill first before speaking.

        "How about you and I go to town. Just the two of us," he told me with a smile.

        "Sounds great! What time, Dad?" he looked at his watch. 

        "Hmmm, is 1 p.m. alright? That's thirty minutes from now. We'll catch some late lunch," he replied. 

        "Sure! I'll just get ready," I said and he closed the door, but not before glaring at Bill first. I made him leave first and I went to the shower.

        "Disco girl, coming through, that girl is you," someone was singing inside the bathroom. 'That voice, Dipper?!' I thought. I  decided to take a look and didn't bother knocking.

        "DON'T COME IN! DON'T COME IN!!!" he said panicky. He had a towel wrapped around him. I couldn't help but crack up.

        "Bro bro, you sing great!" I said as I got a hold of myself. "Would you mind?" I gestured to the door.

        "Oh yeah. Just, don't tell ANYONE," he said as he walked out the door. I locked it and took a shower. After that, I changed into the clothes I brought (A/N: currently obsessing over MLP...whichever you prefer). I met up with Dad.

*Time Skip* TO TOWN!!!

        "And hopefully, we don't need to battle Mother Earth again," I finished. I was telling Dad my life. How I got my first quest,life at camp, the Titans, etc. We were eating ice cream at the park, sitting at one of the benches. I sighed. 

        'If only it was this peaceful all the time,' I thought.

        "You already faced so much, and I wasn't even with you. I'm the worst dad," Dad said with a sigh. I smiled warmly at him.

        "Naw, Dad. You're not the worst! Just because you didn't raise me up, it doesn't mean that you're the worst," I said and he smiled.

        "Wait, how come the government didn't come back? Stanley told me they came before the portal activated," he asked me. I chuckled. 

        "All has been taken care of by this girl," I said, pointing to myself. "The mist can create false memories. I believe they don't know what happened. It took quite a lot out of me." Dad ruffled my hair.  

        "You little mischief maker," he said and I grinned. We continued to eat our ice cream, sitting in unawkward silence. 

        "But I really have to ask, what's the thing with you and Cipher? I can also see he's changed. What happened to that demon?" I hesitated a bit.

        "I guess someone really can change, even if they were very bad at the start. It just takes a dash of friendship, love and kindness, I guess," I replied with a shrug.

        "I saw what happened earlier."

        "Please DON'T mention it," I said, starting to blush madly.

        "Shall we call it a day?"

        "Sure, Dad," I said with a smile and we linked arms as we walked back to the Mystery Shack. It was already night. The stars twinkled brightly against the inky blackness of the night sky. It was a beautiful sight. 

        But then again, I started to dislike the night.

        Because that's the time...

        ...that he would come.

A Deal's A Deal (Bill Cipher x Demigod! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now