Taking It Off (Not That Way, Silly!)

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Me: Gotcha xD

(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

       "Tick tock clock, time flies by," the demon said. I was back in the cave, making the potion. I glared at the air around me.

       "Shut up and let me work in peace," I said. Thankfully, he stayed silent. I continued my work. My energy was draining as I progressed the potion. I started brewing around eleven in the evening, and by two in the morning, my body gave up.

       "You better be thankful I need you. Otherwise, I would've killed you already," he said.

       "Wow, thanks," I said sarcastically. In an instant, I was back in my room. Gladly, Bill was asleep. Meaning, I wouldn't have to answer to anyone. I laid down in my bed and went to sleep.

*Time Skip*

3:00 a.m.

Bill's P.o.V.

       I woke up for no apparent reason. I saw that it wasn't time to get up yet 'cause the sun wasn't 'up' yet. I looked around and saw (Y/N) tucked in her bed. For no reason I can explain, I went to her bed. I looked at her sleeping figure. 

       'She looks cute and innocent,' I thought. I smacked my forehead. 'What are you thinking about Cipher! You don't love, right?' I asked myself, now doubtful. Dang it, one couldn't help but like this girl. I-being out of my mind-lay down beside her. I propped my head up with my hand.

       "If only you knew..." I trailed off. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I kissed her forehead lightly.

       "Love you, Pines," I was being very out of character right now. I guess her charm really got me. I held her close and drifted off to sleep myself.

*Time Skip*

Wakin' up!

(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

       Sunlight shone through the blinds I put on the window. Some birds were tweeting outside. I felt an arm around me and opened one eye. I thought it was gonna be Dad, but I saw Bill instead. I was now fully awake.

       'How do I get out, how do I-,' I thought frantically but was interrupted. Bill stirred beside me and he opened his eye. We had a bit of silent staring, but then I shrieked and jumped out of his grasp. I backed off to the wall. (Anime much? I know) 

       "Wha-why were you beside me?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I pointed my index finger accusingly as I shouted. He sat up and laughed.

       "Nothing~" he chimed. "Much," he whispered to himself but I heard him anyway.

       "I HEARD THAT! MEANING YOU DID DO SOMETHING! YOU PERV!" I shouted and he laughed at me.

       "Why, I'm not like that. Also, you look cute when you're mad," he said and smirked. I turned even more crimson. Is that even possible? In the blink of an eye, he was gone. I stepped forward and neared the bed. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me, locking my arms in place.

       "Looking for me, princess?~" he asked teasingly and I shrieked. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he tightened his grip. 

       "Nuh-uh! You ain't going anywhere." I gave up and pouted.

       "What's up with you this morning?" I said, looking up at him. He grinned and said, "Nothing~" I grumbled. He released me and we both plopped down on the bed.

       "Hey Bill. I've been meaning to ask you...why do you wear an eyepatch?" I asked him, lying down on the bed with my legs dangling on the edge. I closed my eyes. He was silent for a bit, then chuckled.

       "You're the first one who asked. The truth is...it's...I cover that eye since...it just sees too much. And I'm not...pertaining to those stuff. It sees everyone's fears and all that stuff. It sees too much beyond the veil," he answered then he was silent again. I sat up and made him face me. Then I did the thing that would made him hate me.

Bill's P.o.V.

       (Y/N) took off the eyepatch. I quickly covered my eye and reached for the eyepatch.

       "Oh come on (Y/N)! Don't make me hate you!" I said, reaching for the eyepatch. She stubbornly didn't let me reach it. I removed my hand from the eye and just closed it. (Y/N) got up and ran around the room, me chasing her. In the end, we were back to the bed.

       "Bill. Hate me or not, I need you to open that eye. Now," she made it clear that she would not stop until I did so. I sighed.

       "It's not my fault if I go bonkers. Remember that," I said and opened my right eye. I blinked a few times, not seeing any of that scary stuff. "Wha-what? How?" 

       "Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked, returning the eyepatch. 

       "I'm...not seeing anything unusual with my right eye! (Y/N), there must have been something that made it stop!" I said, holding her by her shoulders, grinning at her. She smiled warmly. "You're not doing anything, are you?" I asked her.

       "Besides from sitting here and breathing, nothing," she said. 'Weird,' I thought. Then I remembered. I lik-okay fine-loved. Does that mean anything at all? I shoved the eyepatch into my pocket.

       "I'm not putting it back on," I said because I saw her glance at my pocket. I hugged her, now COMPLETELY out of character. "Thanks, (N/N)," I said. 

       "Awww, no prob, Billy Willy," she said and I pulled back.

       "Don't call me that," I said blankly and she chuckled.

       "Want some breakfast?" she asked me, standing up.


Okay folks! I know this was a boring chapter, just a few fluff here and there. I already took down the code that was here since I already used the non-code version of it so whatevs

Sorry, I'm really feeling grumpy today =.=

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